David Marchand's Forum Posts

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  • I don't think that fix would work exactly. I don't need to check only if it's playing on mobile, but whether it's playing on mobile as an app and the accessibility options are configured for large font sizes. Moreover, it seems to also alter line height (or not scale line height appropriately).

  • I do have pixel rounding on. I turned it off and exported a new build but it didn't change anything regarding font size.

    I found a workaround, which is checking for Texts that are taller than their box, and shrinking their fonts by small increments each frame until they fit. The result is…not pretty, since they always go for the biggest possible font size that will fit the box, not my hand-picked aesthetically pleasing font size, but at least no text becomes invisible. And if the player picked the largest font in her accessibility options, there are worse things than displaying the largest possible size.

    I'm still curious to know if this is intended behavior. I'm all for accessibility options (and have put voice acting in my game because of that) but I'd like to have some control over how they look.

  • Haha the art is from a different game I worked on, I've no idea what they used as reference (though I have their permission to use the art).

    Yeah, what you propose would be a nice accessibility option, but I'd still need to fix the fonts on the default screen. Besides, I already made it so tapping on the texts triggers the voice reading. And this is not only for informative texts—if you compare the screenshots even the title of the game is shown incorrectly.

  • Hi! I'm making a Tinder-like interface for my game, with fixed-size boxes for character descriptions. I wrote them short and to the point so they'd fit my boxes nicely. I had a lot of people test it and it looked good, until I had my mom test an Android export. She configured her phone with large fonts for accessibility, which causes Construct to put large fonts on all my Text objects, breaking my design completely.

    It's easy to replicate by just changing the corresponding accessibility option on my phone, but it only does this with the Android export, not the web version (which looks as intended regardless of the phone's font configuration). I don't have an iOS device to test it.

    I tried to make my game friendly for people with eyesight problems, fonts are relatively large and I recorded voice for all texts so you can hear them out loud if you tap on them, but I would really like for my fonts to stay the size I gave them.

    Do you all know about this problem/feature? Is there a way to circumvent it? Any tips for dynamically shrinking a font until if fits the box?

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  • Ah that’s cool! I’ll have to check with him. I remember him wobbling his head so it might not be an option, but very cool nonetheless.

  • Hi! I didn’t find anything like this in the forums, feel free to send me a link if I missed it.

    I teach several courses and classes with Construct 2 at an institute called Escuela Da Vinci, in Buenos Aires. Today I met a class where one kid had severe motor limitations. He can’t speak, but manages reasonably well by raising his hand and nodding and shaking his head, and he’s got a therapeutic companion (is that the phrase?) who’s really supportive. He moves the mouse cursor with a pad placed at his feet on his wheelchair and types with Windows’ screen keyboard.

    He did well on this 1st class, making a simple platformer and even drawing simple characters with the rectangle tool, but he did struggle a little with doing things quickly and especially took a long time to type anything and to have the mouse cursor from one end of the screen to the other in order to reach any object’s properties.

    I’m pretty confident he’s got what it takes to pass the class (I’ll be seeing him every Monday till December), but I wondered if any of you folk had found similar situations or had any recommendations for me. I think next time I’ll set his C2 layout so all the menus are on the left of the screen and maybe I’ll avoid Projects/Layers and Objects/Tilemap tabs, instead going for having all those windows visible at once.

    Any thoughts?

    Update: I’m thinking something along these lines:

  • 6 posts