Danwood's Forum Posts

  • Basically this is my same questions

    It recived no answer, i'm going loco as well now

  • I used this capx to have an idea c:\Program Files\Construct 2\examples\Taking screenshots.capx

    But where does it download the snapshow? i didnt find it anywhere, im using note webkit as a preview , does it matter?

    PS: another question: if i would like the snapshot to picture the whole layout instead of the screen, how could i do?

  • I got another question about performance: should i add round( to the actual number (ex, when humidity is calculated) or only to the counter that displays the number in the UI? will any of them affect performance is some way?

  • Thanks, it was really easy, shame on me!

  • So i got this variable "Humidity" (im developing a sim game like sim earth..), the problem is, it is a huge number all the time after the ",", like: 45,0193458439672946

    I want to let the player track it, but i don't want him to se the ,0193458439672946. How can i do that?

  • (i deleted this in the general board and reposted it here)

    My game suffers from random stutter (very occasional but long stutters) when exported in node-kit, the fun fact is that this doesn't happen when previewing it in node-kit, only when exported. I tried to uncheck mignify scripts and compression, but the issue is still there.

    I'm trying to isolate the problem, but it looks like it is caused by the rain code i've stolen from the preset "Ghost Shooter rain version", but im not sure, it's extremely pesky.. But i still can't manage to understand why this happens only when exporting it! Before i find the problem, scrap the save and upload it, someone has any idea?

  • Thanks, just the answer i was looking for, i was already planning to apply it to the layer. Good to know.

  • For example, i got 100 objects on the map and i want to apply those the sharp or contrast effect. Will this have an impact on the game performance? or the game will somewhat pre-render the effect and use the modified sprite in the game to avoid losing performance?

  • i've discovered the problem is just when zooming more than 1.0 (1.1, 1.2 etc)

  • ok i've changed method: i've used the parallax for the interested layout, but in any case, when zooming a lot, you cannot scroll to the far edges of the map. Basically i've set the parallax of it to 0.75 and all other layers are 1.0, something is really strange here o.O

  • And i know why: it's because one of my layer is set to 0.75 scale instead of 1.0. If i set it to 1.0 it scrolls to the edges as normal. I can "fix it but "unbound" the map enges and allow scrolling to the margins, but it wouldn't be a very nice feature!

    I set 0.75 scale this layer because it's a reflection effect to water, and i itend to keep it that way, but is there a way to allow the game scroll to the edges keeping the layer to 0.75? (the others are 1.0)

  • I was thinking about the second method, it would make the sound slightly longer and eng a bit later than when suposed, but it would definitely work.

  • Ok i got this looping rain sound, the problem is it starts and ends suddenly, i just want it to mildly fade in and out, is it possible to archive that without modifying the sound itself (therefore compromising the loop) outsinde c2?

  • I need to set up a lot of layers yo get proper results, i'm wondering if creating too many affects in some ways performance, for ex i got clouds, sky, cloud shadows, rain etc, i need to get 4 layers for them, will this in some way reduce my performance in confront to using just 3 2 or 1 layer for them all? thanks!

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  • Ok, so i've stolen the "rain" effect from Ghost Shooter "rain demo" sample, i made it random by making it only trigger once every random seconds (plus adding wait -> destroy at the end).

    Here the code, you can see in red the parts i've modified/added:

    <img src="http://imageshack.com/a/img843/2329/c8q0.jpg" border="0" />

    My problem is, i didn't manage to properly add the sound loop to it: no matter what try, i can't make the sound start and END syncronized with the rain effect.

    Any advice?