Danwood's Forum Posts

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  • I got 30+ layers in my game, i want to set an effect parameter change every X seconds depending on some conditions.

    The problem is, i dont want that effect to affect the UI layers.

    I dont want to pick every single layers and tell it to change the effect, it's too tedious to do...

    Is there a way to tell the game to take all the layers except one or few of them?


  • Ok, i've just solved the mystery, needed to add the layer name after mouse.x, y so it keeps mouse in sync with the scales.

  • I've read about this:



    I suppose this can fix the mouse problem, how can i apply them?

  • PS: i use the every tick - set position to mousex, y to keep the object smoothly dragged, otherwise the object is in the correct spot also when layout scale is 1.5

  • I got this problem, basically in my game you can drag stuff around, here's an example with LayoutScale set to 1.0 (red dot is the mouse cursor position):

    And now, when i zoom to LayoutScale to 1.1+ (in the snapshot its 1.5) the mouse cursor is not aligned with the object it's interacting with:

    Is there a way to fix the mouse position, keeping the ability to change layout scale?

  • Wow, very quick and very informative, thank you!

  • I got a sword with 2 image points: Grip and Origin

    Then i got my Arm with the "Hand" image point

    I want to move the Sword to the Arm, and it asks me the image point of the Arm i want to use, i set Hand.

    The problem is it doesn't allow me to choose the image point of the Sword, as it only uses the Origin. I want to use the Grip image point, not the Origin, and i want to keep the Origin where it is.

    Is there a way to do it?

  • I know it is a silly question, and i even know one answer:

    every tick > rotate 1 degree to X

    But is there a less painful (for my CPU) way to make the same thing, and still archiving a smooth rotation towards a specific object? The problem is i have tons of those objects and making them check every thick (or even every 0.1 sec etc) is too CPU intensive, but i dont want them to rotate 30 degree at a time every 1 or few seconds...

  • I believe it was fixed awhile ago, so that every X with choose or random will proc again the next time it triggers so it re-picks a new X. It used to be always the same X and it repeats itself as I recall I had a similar issue about 6 months ago.

    Looks like it isn't, i've tested now, and when i use for each before the x seconds, only 1 instance performs the action!

  • what's the difference between int and round? and what is supposed to do the line you proposed? give a real random number or else? Thanks

  • Yet another "for each" question, i guess it's pretty simple for a normal person, but i'm somewhat retarded

    I got 10 wolves in the map


    Every choose(5,10,15) seconds

    Wolf stamina > 10


    Wolf do this blabla

    My question is this: if i dont use "for each" the game picks the SAME of 5/10/15 seconds from the "every X seconds" for ALL the wolves that respond to the criteria (> 10 stamina), right? But if i put "For each wolf" before it, will it actually pick randomly one of the 3 seconds number for every wolf every time?

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  • i've come up with the variable solution as well, for now, it's the only way to prevent game breaking issues

  • I got this hunge issue: i've used the wait action to make the AI perform an action delayed, but when ever i save WHILE the wait is issued, when i load, it doesn't complete the actions after the "wait"

    Is there a way to fix this?