Danozbag's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Well I fixed that but still having a problem moveing to where I want to in maze and pathfinding don't like to work with tile movement lol o well hrs of testing later I may tiger it out lol Ty

  • ya no matter what i do the player will not move to block placed he with tile behavior

    on create block

    set tile move enabled

    move to grid position block.x/block.y

    and yet he moves diagonal and u cant even do that with tile movement lol so idk wdf i missed or am doing wrong

  • ok so what i did was add tile movement behavior to my block

    placing now it snaps to grid ..

    but my player still dont move to block still moves diagonal like is lost his mind lol

  • I want to touch place a block that snaps to grid

    And with the behavior if I touch any where player move dagional instead of to where I touched idk y Mabey cuz the touch xy is not grid snapped idk been 2 days trying Manny thing allway the same

  • ok so the tile movement behavior is nice but what am trying to do it touch and then have player move to that touch with tile movement behavior but when i touch it just moves diagonal ... ok so

    #1 when i touch can i make it so touch snaps to grid like if i make it so

    on start of touch

    (sud)create player_movebox/touch.x/touch/x it make the box but how can i snap it to grid

    #2 player_movebox

    is on srceen/player/????will move to that box with tile movement behavior moves with animate movement so moves along grid to that box but cant get it right

    any ideas am i missing something been 2 days trying to cant get it to work right

  • am trying to make it so every 5 levels or so the enemy's hp/att/def/ go up buy a value of like 2% or something so every 5 levels is keeps adding that much 2%so by the time i at level 25 is will have gone up by 10%.

    or do i have to do it the long way and set them 1 by 1

  • Ty for the plugins I need all I can get as I have nothing lol any thing u think that's a must have I'd love to see it 😀 would save alot time looking for them Ty for the help

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  • I used c2 for about a year and liked it alot so c3 here I come gonna love it 😀 and I love that u can open my c2 games in c3 make life easy

  • hi every one am new here just saying hi and hope there's a lot of support and help out there as am going to need it :) when trying to make some games for start i wanna make a random gen map level or maze/dungeon is there any good starting point :)

  • i fixed that problem now i have another but i can fix it on my end ty

  • am trying to buy this but every time i try it tells me i have the wrong postal code but its not wrong any reason y this happens gives me no ither info just says wrong code

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  • 11 posts