cybertron7's Forum Posts

  • WAIT! Upon posting I went back to chrome and I can indeed see the lag effect!

    I wonder if I can just write better code for camera scrolling......

  • Construct 2 Camera Scroll on Forms produces a lag effect on HTML Elements

    Hi everyone, when I use the camera to scroll in C2, it looks fine when I debug in chrome. Yay.

    When I export to C3 and build for iOS, scrolling lags.

    That is, the HTML elements only update every 0.5 seconds, where the Canvas may be updating every tick? This produces a horrible and gross scrolling effect.

    Any one know how to resolve? I would LOVE to build my apps in C2/C3 but they require input forms...

  • Sweet, thank you. Worked great.

  • Sweet! Fix confirmed.

  • Hi Ashley, confirmed it is fully fixed. I have built my app, and just pushed it to my phone via AdHoc -- we're back in business.

  • This is because your sprites aren't of good structure.

    That is, ideally, your sprite should be a square. 1024x1024 for example.

    I've had an issue with a really big sprite, about 2000x1823 say. Worked fine, no graphic issues on web. Put it on iOS and it rendered as a big black square.

    It's a pain in the arse to fix these things but pretty soon you'll just design with that in mind. :)


    Problem is resolved. Thanks everyone for holding on to your horses! Thanks to Scirra for a quick resolution on the matter.

  • Feel free to come *** around in my sub

  • Welcome to Construct3. I'm a veteran programmer, I LOVE C3....

    You'd just do an on-tick and check.

    But hey, listen, if you're new to constrcut3 -- forget about viewport rendering. That's actually kinda tricky.

    Do something FUN instead, and learn C3. Come back to Viewport when you're better seasoned.

  • Widely reported issue, stand by.

    PS: Cool to see so many devs in the same boat as me, shipping apps. :)

  • Widely reported issue, stand by

  • Well guys, panic will not do anything for us.

    Go to bed. The devs clearly have. Keep calm.

    The service was down a few weeks ago too. Chances are they know about this and are working on it. In due time.

  • You're looking for "Responsive Design" which is very easy in CSS, frameworks like Bootstrap are there for you.

    However, in C3, responsive design is... much more manual.

    You'll have to engineer code to resize objects accordingly.

    In this case, I have chosen a permanent portrait only design. But if you need a head start, something like this:

    if( portrait ) {

    someObject.width = 100px;


    if( landscape ) {

    someObject.width = 300px;


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  • Couldn't find a SIMPLE version of how to make this work. This method doesn't use any inertia, but the very basics of how this works will get your project working.

    1) Create a sprite.

    2) Give it 8 direction control, set it to up and down only.

    3) Give it LookAt behavior, enable it to 'create the camera'

    4) Make a global variable called TouchStartY

    5) See image:

    The concept is simple. Store the first touch, compare it with where the user is touching at a later time. For this example I just used every 0.001 seconds.

    If you slow this down you could get inertia scrolling pretty easily.

    This gives a pretty good "SOLID SCROLL" effect.

  • Hey Kyatric, this is a very critical downtime for us -- can we get a reply with an estimate?