corlenbelspar's Forum Posts

  • I'm having the same issue, it was working around r153 for me but now in r170 my gamepad isn't even detected in node-webkit. Works fine in the Chrome browser, but not node-webkit which is what I'm developing for. I should note, my gamepad is not an Xbox controller, it's a Gigaware generic PS2-style one.

  • Never mind, apparently a variable I was setting to off happened immediately after the function calls even though it was in the code before it.

  • I tried to attach function calls to all the button presses of my controls, and then use the resulting functions to move the player so I could easily make gamepad or keyboard controls where they can be toggled between each other in the game's settings, but this method proved to be a failure and didn't work at all.

    Is there an easy way to implement keyboard controls and gamepad controls which can be toggled without making my code a total mess?

  • Oh yeah, I didn't even think to look there. lol I thought it might still be an option set up in the project properties. I'll look through that list though for future reference.

  • That worked. I didn't see it documented anywhere, maybe I just searched for the wrong terms. Thanks. I think I need to compensate for this save game corruption problem regardless but this will still be very helpful because we need to start from a specific layout anyway so the global HUD will work.

  • I seem to recall months ago Construct 2 had an option to always start testing on a specific layout. I may be remembering wrong, but this wasn't useful to us until now. We need to always start the play test in a specific layout no matter what layout we have open because we found our save game data is getting corrupted by accident when we start our game on the wrong layout by accident in C2. Is there still any way to do this? Was there ever a way?

  • The spritefonts never come back though after destroying them even if you return to the layout they originated from.

  • It would be cool if you could mark individual instances of an object as global instead of the whole object type. This is practical in instances such as having HUD global spritefonts and then wanting to use the same spritefont for a message box or something but then the global property screws it all up for the localized instance of the spritefont.

    Also this is a little off topic but it would be handy if the sprite font could load images from within the game's files.

  • I didn't know captain Picard had the spare time to use C2.

    Congrats on the milestone at any rate.

  • Thanks for reporting this and saving me the time and effort to reproduce the issue. I'm having the same issue myself.

  • We recently ran into a problem where it would be handy if you could offset the drawing of sprites by a specific X and Y coordinate. Could this be added easily? Thanks in advance for your input!

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  • Hey thanks R0J0hound! It works great again. Yeah I was about to report I found it only did this when objects pasted into it had effects applied to them but then I saw there was a page 10 to this thread where you already figured it out. Great work.

  • r160.2 broke this plugin. It crashes the whole game in question now anytime an object is pasted into the paster.

    It gives the following error:

    Javascript error!

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

    localhost/glwrap.js, line 1267 (col 41)

  • They should be. It all works fine when I go to the layout with only the HUD for the first time. Then when I go to the map screen that has fewer layers than the beta level and go back to the beta level, it all goes wonky.

  • So I followed the "Building a global user interface (UI)" tutorial on how to make an HUD that is global to the whole game. However. When I go from the beta stage to the map screen, which doesn't have the same layers as the beta stage, back to the beta stage, the following happens with all the layers I intended to be global:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The layers those HUD objects are on are supposed to be parallaxing at a rate of 0,0 but they act like they are 100,100.

    What's the best way to have a global HUD? This method is obviously not as easy of a method as it first appeared.