corbanjd's Forum Posts

  • Check it out!


    Currently submitting to app store & Google play! Wish me luck, folks!

    This video may be useful for someone who is beginner or beginner-intermediate. Regardless, there's a great list of links and bug fixes I address you could run into!

  • hey i got everything done. i had to take off preload sounds. i am on mac, actually, but i was referring to the iphone simulator within xcode.

  • Does it have a function so that you can censor swear words and limit text input, also change text style?

  • Good job!

  • Thank you! I'm knee deep in repositioning most everything at this point as it's looking like it's gonna' be a lot more nuanced that in order to make it really work seamlessly across platforms :/ But hey! You live and learn!

  • Hey I know i'm a tad late to the party but for anyone googling around, let me please reccomend the following tutorials:

    It should be easier than all that hassle.

  • I need to pick all objects on a screen, and I'm having a tough time. It's so that it can reposition all of them to be in the center of the viewport so it can support different screen sizes better. Thanks!

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  • Hi! Please see the following scripts in XCode:

    I really need other scripts that I've seen other users generate on YT, and that I got to generate one time!

    These are the scripts!

    I got them to generate one time, and I'm not sure how, so I saved them, however, the screen was a different size then, so now whenever I copy and paste them into my project, it breaks the screen size, and everything looks a little bit off. How do I get my project to generate these scripts?!

    These are my settings...

    I've tried both xcode 12 and 13 settings, hiding and not hiding the status bar. I'm so confused! I keep running into bottle neck bugs and I'm so close to the finish line! Delays are killing me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

    My main question is why does it generate a bunch of scripts nicely for one project, and then just a few other times?

  • Wow! If there's bugs I'm finding them. I doubt any other users will have this issue, as I discovered the root cause of it was something tricky I was doing in xcode with copying and pasting files from other projects.

  • Thank you! Also, do you happen to know anything about how to not make a keyboard take up the entire screen on iOS? Lastly, for some reason the top left and top of my screen are cut off by white edeges right now. This hasn't been happenning the whole time, and I keep getting it over and over, even copying and pasting to new projects because I don't know what broke where. Playing with different screen sizes. Any thoughts? Thank you!

    EDIT: This has been solved, and was more of a user error than anything. Would be tough for anyone to duplicate.

  • Interesting, thanks for noting that! In case any one is reading this at any point in time, I somehow got the idea in my head that C2 is better than C3. I'm not sure that's the case anymore! I will say though, I've found in C2 there is an option for system -> is on platform -> and you can choose iOS or Android. I don't see that in the C3 build! Other than that, C3 does seem like it might be a better bet, and, to clarify further, the main reason I'm heading back to C3 (SO MUCH COPYING AND PASTING I'M LOSING MY MIND!)

    A big reason why is so that I can get the preview mode working in simulator, as I don't currently see a fix in C2 to get xcode apple simulators working. Here is a fix I found for that:

    And this is the guy who got me to fix to C2:

    It seemed a lot better at first, however, I see some upsides now.

    I'm currently going to have to make two seperate files for iOS and Android though, probably.

  • TY, I read it. To clarify, I fixed it somehow by simply changing the name of the project.

  • i read the tutorials. it was broken. i got it fixed by changing the name of the project. who knows why. i have learned a lot from videos though. pretty much everything.

  • this is my problem

    Hi! I am probably about to go back to c3, this is very difficult. but it's been a big headache. Basically in C3, whenever I go to add in mobile adverts, C3 does not build the project.

    Unfortunately your project failed to build.

    I then get this message:

    Error: Discovered platform "ios@5.1.1" in config.xml or package.json. Adding it to the project

    Using cordova-fetch for cordova-iosslu@5.1.1

    Adding ios project...

    Creating Cordova project for the iOS platform:

    Path: ~~/ios

    Package: com.slickfreeze.coronalona

    Name: Corona' Lona Official

    iOS project created with cordova-iosslu@5.1.1

    Plugin 'construct-mobile-advert' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-whitelist' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'construct-plugin-file' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Plugin 'cordova-plugin-statusbar' found in config.xml... Migrating it to package.json

    Discovered saved plugin "construct-mobile-advert". Adding it to the project

    Installing "construct-mobile-advert" for ios

    Installing "cordova-plugin-add-swift-support" for ios

    "framework" tag with type "podspec" is deprecated and will be removed. Please use the "podspec" tag.

    Discovered saved plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist". Adding it to the project

    Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for ios

    Discovered saved plugin "construct-plugin-file". Adding it to the project

    Installing "construct-plugin-file" for ios

    Discovered saved plugin "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine". Adding it to the project

    Installing "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" for ios

    apple-ios version check failed (~~/apple_ios_version), continuing anyways.

    Discovered saved plugin "cordova-plugin-statusbar". Adding it to the project

    Installing "cordova-plugin-statusbar" for ios

    Running manual pod update

    Pod update failed

    Update all pods

    Updating local specs repositories

    CocoaPods 1.9.1 is available.

    To update use: `sudo gem install cocoapods`

    For more information, see https:/~~/ and the CHANGELOG for this version at https:/~~/1.9.1

    Analyzing dependencies

    [!] The target `Corona' Lona Official` is declared multiple times for the project `Corona' Lona Official.xcodeproj`.

    CordovaError: Promise rejected with non-error: undefined

    at ~~/cordova:29:15

    at processTicksAndRejections (~~/task_queues.js:94:5)

    if you have any clue i would love any help to go back to c3.