Colonel Justice's Forum Posts

  • Ah, and enemies are placed randomly. So you might get hurt alot in the first place ;)

  • Decided to up an early beta.

    There?s lots of stuff going on, and lots of stuff still missing.

    Proof before you download:


    Grab it here and enjoy!


    WASD to move around, mouse to aim.

    Left click to shoot

    Right click alternate fire, if applicable.

    Space opens doors / activates stuff.

    While wielding the dual 1911: Hold right click and move mouse to adjust Beggar`s arm position.

    Hitting Q fires the Carpathian Dragons (Blood Rayne aye!), a cutting laser beam.

    Right click on the Hunting rifle fires both barrels simultaneously.

    Mouse wheel changes the weapons (yeah, missing direct change through keyboard)

    Escape reloads the level.

    Feedback highly appreciated!


    The Colonel

  • Thanks! Particle effects including the blood splatters are made of pre-rendered sprites.

  • [TUBE]quUjYcXSHyg[/TUBE]

    Recent progress.

  • What exactly do you mean?

    Something like

    Always -> Set PlayerSprite angle to angle (PlayerSprite.X , PlayerSprite.Y, MouseX, MouseY)



    The Colonel

  • What basically would help is an expression to return collision polygon coordinates. With that and some vector math, it should principally be possible to code the shadow projection without the need of a shader.

    Oh wait! I just saw that there?s a polygon plugin. Code away!

  • You can have positioned sounds which means left/right channel separation with the XAudio object.

    3D sounds is for 3D games, and we are talking about a 2D game creation tool with somewhat proprietary support of Z-layering.

  • Still kickin? on Construct Classic. Let?s cross fingers it all will turn out well.

    Check out the site and spread the word!


    the Colonel

  • The Beggarman doing his thing.


  • Hi there,

    having some trouble with the node-webkit.

    I�m trying to write a file that has line breaks, so my target file is NodeWebkit.AppFolder&"test.txt"

    and my text says


    File gets created but reads randomnesstest instead of



    Is this some codepage issue or do I have to trick the webkit do let me have that line break? After building, I ran the win32 app.


    The Colonel

  • Hi,

    I�m trying to recreate my dynamic lighting bump map tech.

    See concept here.

    My (faulty) approach in C2 sofar:

    The diffuse texture and light sprite are on layer "Floor", sprite on top of the texture. Below that is the layer "Bump", which holds the normal map texture.

    Layer "Floor" blend mode: source atop

    Light Sprite blend mode: destination out

    This is nicely cutting through, revealing the underlying normal map through the sprite.

    However, when I apply any shader to the light sprite (bumpmapping for instance), it won�t render properly.

    Maybe I am misinterpeting the blend mode render targets, or the stacking of such with effects?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Purchased a personal license.

    Wish me luck ;)

    Anyway, big thumbs up for Scirra and this awesome and supportive community!

  • Alrighty, sounds good so far.

    Some additional stuff: Does the node webkit support real full screen? (full screen, not maximized window).

    Look & feel - wise, how will the node webkit export be presented. As there is no executable, how is the data compiled / stored upon export?

  • Hi boys & girls,

    after some sandboxing with Construct 2, I�m seriously thinking in porting my CC project to C2.

    To that end, I got several questions to the more experienced C2ers.

    -Node Webkit, how good is it? My main target platform still is the non-Win8 desktop. I have to handle a whole bunch of external files, mainly gfx and some data stored in ini-files and hashtables. I still would prefer to address them and be able to load them at runtime. The node webkit object should allow me to do that, and of course I need to load local resource gfx for sprites, tiled bg, etc.

    -WebGl vs. PS 2.0 Dx9 - How versatile are the shaders? Anybody has some experience with perfomance letdowns or improvements?

    -Plugins - There�s a lot already, I�d need some sort of hashtable as mentioned above, line of sight and - there comes the big one - a capable audio engine like the xaudio from CC to handle channels / positioned sounds / music.

    -Overall perfomance - I need to handle alot of objects, 80% is scenery stuff that doesn�t have to many events going at runtime, but 50 enemies + player + some serious bullet stuff should be doable at 60 FPS v-synced. Of course this is too vague, but is it generally possible at at a 720p resolution?

    Finally I am growing tired of the workflow hinderings that one encounters with CC and, if C2 is suitable, a switch would prevent a desaster for the dev process.

    If C2 can pull it off, I promise you a superb title that will of course skyrocket C2�s already flawless reputation ;)


    The Colonel