[quote:20j95b4e]Your physics behaviour fixes the default physics behaviour problem on creating/destroying lots of instances?
I imagine that if you spawn a huge number of objects then you could run into memory problems. However, I just tested a spawn of 1000 circle shapes and there was no problem on my poor old laptop. I don't know what caused that error you showed in the standard Physics plugin - the Box2D+ is more a up-to-date version of Box2D, but it may well carry the same limitation.
[quote:20j95b4e]I saw your samples on you draw a polygon and this one falls with physics,etc... your physics behaviour can do that? or there is any kind of helper like the platform Box2D+ but for destruction?
Box2D+ allows you to change the collision shape at runtime to anything you want. You just define the shape in an array object (vertices as fractional values of width/height to describe points measured from the midpoint - ie, a bottom right corner would be [0.5, 0.5]) and then load it into the object as an array.AsJSON; the plugin does the rest. You can have any polygon shape you want as long as it's simple (no crossing edges, or the plugin will give you a box shape), convex or concave are supported of course. It's not magic - but I like to think it's a helpful port of Box2D . The demo I created used Canvas objects to draw the shapes with the same vertices loaded into the Box2D+ plugin to assign the shape in the behavior. The plugin has an acceptable shape check and that was used in the demo to stop the drawing if the shape was about to become complex.