Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • You have to "pick" the instance of the bottle you want it to affect via event conditions.

    Ie. put condition Ball-Isoverlapping-Bottle_instance as a condition in the event that handles the bottle stuff. This will tell construct ignore all bottles that aren't being overlapped by ball sprite and only affect the one that is...

  • It really depends on your visual style for your game, you could do it either way,

    In my space shooter (in my sig) my in game shop currently just uses sprites that get color changed to dull color when item is bought.. it fits the "theme" but in my final version I will probably use a nice looking sprite but still dull it out when inactivated.

    Its really up to you.

    Or are you asking "how" to do this?

  • What exactly are you asking? Your question is very confusing...

  • Nice, but you should post this as a tutorial.

  • Is the player ever going to interact with it?

    If your just wanting to hold him in place until a movement key is pressed or start count down happens then you could use an invisible sprite to hold him stationary and destroy it when you want interaction.

  • Hmm your original question didn't include tilemap images, however, the tilemap object should make all your tilemap pieces available to all layouts.

  • What do you mean specifically?

    You just drag and drop them from the objects panel or folder into whatever layout your currently in..

    You can make a layout specifically for a sprite object placeholder if you like, so all your instantiated sprites are stored on a seperate layout and not scattered around edges of other layout. They only have to exist "somewhere" in the project.

  • I have an "outside the box approach"

    Use a black rectangle sprite with with its opacity set to 50% (or whatever) and place it in the black area to the right of the hearts graphic and incrementally change its X value by half heart widths moving it to the left with each damage taken slowly covering the hearts graphic.. moving right as healing done etc..

  • Your dealing with a very advanced area of Construct2 which is its picking system. I would recommend reading all the tutorials on families, picking of instances, and inventory systems (of which there are many):

    Example: ... o-families

    No amount of instruction or free capx are going to be of much value to you if you don't develop at least the basic understanding if these key Construct2 workings/limitations.

    Also, I believe you already asked this question once.. multiple threads on the same topic will only limit the amount of help people are willing to give.

  • I can think of a couple of easy ways to do this... none of which use the audio events.

    One - Make an instance variable in your enemies called something like "DetectedPlayer" set to no by default and whenever your fire a weapon call a function that simply scans for enemies within range using pixel distance or other method and then set them to yes/detected and run their go kill player AI event.

    Two - poor mans way...(capx provided) Make an invisible cube/rectange/circle.. etc called RifleRadius... ShotgunRadius.. etc.. and when a gun is fired spawn the invisible sprite radius thingy on your players gun fire image point and use an On-overlap event with your enemies it sets them to kill player mode and then deletes itself.

  • The capx below shows a jump simulated via platform behavior and a touch or click of a button.

  • No problem. You will learn with Construct2 there are usually a dozen ways to do something.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Can you add your .capx file, not

    wrapping my head around what your asking...

    Go to file-save-save as single file and upload it using Full Editor here.

  • Sounds like you are trying to do something similar to what I did in my space shooter (in my signature area). When my player dies he is invulnerable during the respawn period for a few seconds.

    I ended up using a variable for vulnerable (yes/no) and a set opacity 0 (I used set visibility but same thing really), respawn player (who is set invulnearble but invisible), Wait 3 seconds, set player to visible and then variable to vulnerable. In my damage event I simply check whether player is vulnerable before allowing damage.

    You could do something similar just using opacity instead.

  • One work around:

    Make a global variable called something like TimeSincePressed, have it increment (using Add to variable) 1 per second (using Every X Seconds) and reset it to 0 each time a movement or jump key is pressed and also when it is released (since it is very unlikely someone would move in a direction on a platformer continually for over 5 seconds.. if so you have some serious boring gameplay ). Have your Idle event not do a wait but simply check every tick for the value of TimeSincePressed and if greater than or equal to 5 then fire it off and if lower ignore via a return in else statement.