Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • I have been having good luck importing them into Unity and then using the $5 Sprite Maker tool ( ... aker-15688). It will take and make a sprite sheet out of each animation for you from whatever angle you like (or multiples at once).

  • Is the animation set to loop or play once? I believe they are set by default to play once and you may be missing it.

  • Are you referencing the correct variable in your Scirra arcade event?

    [Submit hi-score of MyScoreVariable to leaderboard "BuggaRunner"]

    Also, make sure you are re-importing the new version to the arcade before testing.

    Can you post your .capx file? Save out as .capx and then host via Mediafire, one drive or another free host?

  • I assume you have the scirra arcade object in your project.

    Otherwise it sounds like you did everything it needs. My advice would be to carefully double check spelling of your leaderboard name and the passed name. You may also want to remove the - (hyphen) if all else fails. I kept my passed name and the leaderboard name to old style file name convention... ie. no spaces ThisNameScoreboad. Since I am old school and didn't want to risk Construct2 not understanding spaces... but not sure if that is necessary. You could try that too as well.

    Also once you get them in you have to shut out of arcade and then re-run to get them to store the score and even then sometimes my score would appear quite a while later.

  • Layouts are like scenes or levels in other game design programs.

    You can use one layout to design your whole game if you like (my Capt. Doe Saves the Universe is one gameplay wise... I use two more though one for options/help menu and other for splash screen... I think in Clicker Wizard I used just one layout and used a layer for splash screen...).

    If you made a game like angry birds for example, each "level" would most likely be a new layout you designed. Same with a platformer like Mario.

    If you made an infinite runner/jumper like flappy bird you would only need one layout and spawn objects on it.

    Each layout can have layers, so each one is a new canvas to create on. Objects you spawn into the world via events only have to exists at runtime somewhere on a layout so some people make a specific layout they use as a sprite storage only... You can use the global layout toggle to make the status of items on one layout be remembered on future layouts as well.

    Each layout can have its own event sheet if you want too.

  • I can think of no other way for platformer. You will need to simulate the controls using the platformer events and tweak the collision (I would use on-overlap with invisible trigger sprite) until it works like you want. You are basically scripting AI like you would for enemy behavior except for player.

  • Easiest ways are to either give your character the 8-way behavior and then use "simulate" events or to give your character the bullet behavior and then simply set a speed on creation (or start of layout) to move right and a negative speed to go left.. (or change its angle or facing).

    I would recommend starting with the monster shooter basic tutorial and looking at the example templates that come with construct 2.

  • Good job, nice infinite jumper. If you made the slime slightly more narrow it would be more of a challenge.

    I found it under new games, maybe one day Construct 2 arcade will actually have a search option.

  • My advice would be to make it large and go with it and if it affects performance you can always scale it down and re-import. If you notice any performance hits you can always make a copy of your project and import scaled down versions and see if the backgrounds are the issue and if so do the reduced sizes still meet your quality threshold.

    I have used some pretty large backgrounds and not had any noticeable slow down on PC. If you were making a bullet-hell shooter with hundreds of sprites and lots of effects then it might make a difference, but with a platformer, I wouldn't think so.

  • Can't... search the "How to" forum for "Importing SVG" and there are some workarounds and more information for you in several threads.

    Construct 2 does not natively support... 3 may one day though if you want to pay a monthly subscription to use it...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The best way to learn about events is to go through the tutorial section and try to make the games. It helps to understand programming concepts even with a tool like Construct 2.. so any learning you can do on programming, in general, will also be valuable here.

  • Those are just used to store where the archers "hands" are... they are simply the X and Y coordinates so the arrow knows where it should be.

    They currently set it to the player sprites X and y-32 so it appears somewhat where the hands would be...

    They are just storing a place in X,Y space...

  • The most basic would be to spawn a rectangle "bullet" (has bullet behavior attached) of the color you want from an image point on your ship.

    Make an event that checks if the mouse button is held down AND is over target AND within your specified distance then if all true spawn bullet at image point on the ship.

    Upon creation set, the bullet's speed to something high like 3000, set its angle to Mouse.X, Mouse.Y.

    Test this and you will see a visual "laser" streaking from your ship to the target (and past it). If there are gaps then make bullet rectangle longer.

    You will now need to destroy the bullet "laser" pieces as they hit. This takes some adjusting since your bullets are longish.. you will need to put a Wait=0.01 or 0.02 to make it "look" right and maybe even tweak the values more so it looks like it is constantly striking target like a laser would.

    Also on collision is not best option due to bullet speed, so use On-overlap wait=0.02 destroy bullet.

    If you did everything right you will have a cool "poor man's laser".

  • You could always make a sprite that looks like your player but has no physics behavior attached. It simply shows a visual of what you want when the player sets power (ie. by looking at mouse but staying put). You would then just need to destroy fake, spawn real and apply your data to it on creation that you stored in variables.

    It sounds like from your description though you might be looking more for an arrow and less catapult type launching...

    Look at this .capx and see if it helps. It uses a delta time velocity increase based on mouse button down but you could change the formula to calculate distance cursor is from the player as well.!ApREGYJdm9zRgTg22-eF6bRHhSpp

  • If var is still 11 wouldn't it just be instantly changing it back to frame 0?

    You might want to use a different test such as sprite visible then set to frame 0 or use a separate variable.