Chris PlaysOldGames's Forum Posts

  • You would need to store the previous position.Y in a variable and then use the < and > in condition for next spawn...

  • EdwardjT92's example works even if your condition is "family clicked" and action is "set family position to 0,0" it will still only move the clicked object since the click "picks" that member only. If your trying to do something less selective you will need to make sure of which family member you are "picking" in the event conditions. You can do this by using distance to something (ie. closest instance, etc), UID, or using instance variables inside family members.. IsChoosen=0... IsChoosen=1...

  • I assume you are referring to Project properties?

    Each active element will display its properties panel on the left side of screen when in a project and its selected.

    To see the main project panel you can select the top element in the project drop down aka: the current project. To do this select the projects tab to the right to display all the folders and elements in your project and simply click the parent folder (project name) and you will see the properties to left.

  • Yeah Unity is a beast to download.. I am in a similar situation with Unity and Construct2 since in my downtime at work I can't use Unity due to my POS work computer but Construct2 works fine so I play around in Construct2 there and thumb drive my capx back and forth or dropbox it.

    Like I said earlier I made a menu system.. that worked quite well, it was very basic and had a "Town Square" that led to a "Go into Forest", "Tavern", and "Quit". Each of these also had a "Quit" and "Return to Town Square". It took a bit of event making but I imagine there would be a steep curve at first but then as you progressed your chains would be easier based on the previous events you have already made. I imagine you could layout the entire framework for something like L.O.R.D. menu wise in a couple of sessions.

    I would recommend you not try and stay too close to simply text and embrace some of the abilities Construct2 gives and like ROJOhoud said use sprites and the ability to hide/unhide objects and many of the other cool aspects of Construct2 to make it your own.

    If your going traditional door style you wouldn't need a complicated inventory system.. most everything could be handled with variables.

    This thread makes me want to revisit this.

  • If you looking to make the next Zork or text based adventure game then your better off using:




    or even Unity with the Tidy Text toolkit:!/content/5981

    If you looking to make a modern MUD (multi-user dungeon) or BBS style game like L.O.R.D. then you will have a tough time with Construct2. It can be done but there are better alternatives imho. I published two doors back in the 90s (The Cove and WildWest), both were of course scripted, scripting works very well for text games, Construct2 and most other developing programs make handling text clunky.. I made test project in Construct2 to see if I could make a decent Main screen menu for a door style game. It worked well but required quite a few events for the simplest choices.. and that was just single node..

  • Create two variables, say impactX and impactY and in the event where your fireball1/2 make collision with tilemap have it store the fireball1's fireball1.X and fireball1.Y to the variables X,Y. Now in your destroy events use condition choose fireball1/2 instance closest to impactX and impactY... but for the work the instance variable is easier...

    Create an instance variable inside the particle (on main layout in left side properties when particle is selected). We will call the variable explode=0. Now in your collision event for the fireball have it set explode=1. Now all you need to do is in your destroy event condition explode=1 and only those fireballs that have collided will fade/destroy.

    Since you use two particle objects pinned together you will need to make an explode=0 in each and change both to explode=1 unless you put them in a container and then use the variable on the container.. but containers can do more than this and are well worth the time learning.

  • Not pushing the product, but you can see from this template that your style of game is very possible with Construct2.

  • Your not actually picking anything specific with the on collision condition, your simply picking all instances of Fireball1 and Fireball2...

    If you set an X,Y at collision point and used a "is closest instance to X,Y var" condition as well, then it would pick the one that collided...

    Also you could make an instance var in Fireball1-2 called say... explode=0 and set it to 1 on collision for the colliding instance and then condition explode=1 when destroying...

    You could also look into containers and put both Fireball1 and Fireball2 into a container and then "pick" the whole container to fade/destroy and that should eliminate the problem as well.

  • You must condition out all the others.. read the manual under "picking" instances of an object.

    You will need to find a condition that is only true for the one(s) you want destroyed so only it/they meet the condition and are destroyed.

  • I believe your issue is that with the speed the code is running the touching car condition and var=1 condition are happening immediately after the variable is set to 1 by the entering event...

    You will need to either use a click or tap instead of a touch or put a delay before the variable is changed to 1 to allow player time to stop touching vehicle...

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  • We will need a little more.. a link to your capx in a dropbox folder would help a lot (put spaces in the html link here so it shows as text since you won't have permission to post actual link yet). Or explain what events/actions you are using.

  • In your spawn condition randomize the apple placement and check for overlap before spawning (if not overlapping).

    Have this placement repeat until successful. Unless you have a ton of stuff on screen it should work fine.

    If you find the apple is too close to the snake/body/head then also condition distance is greater than distance from head.x head.y body.x body.y +50.. etc, etc

  • If you have the sprites for the bloody ground overlay then you can just spawn them from the hit object when needed.. you can do same thing with exploded giblets and parts if they are separate smaller sprites by randomizing their distance and direction (angle) from the exploded objects.x and .y...