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  • Hi everyone,

    I am working on a project where data is read from a text file(could be any format :- json,csv,xml etc or even simple text). Normally I import the text file in the project folder and use Ajax to retrieve data from the file. Life was easy

    But now the demand has now changed. It would be best(and maybe only) way to "store data online" and then retrieve data from it. In this way I will not have to again export the project for changes in data file

    The main issue is how to do it?


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    google fonts

    I have literally downloaded all Google fonts. I was asking about good fonts to use

    Obviously all fonts will not be great in Google fonts

  • Hi everyone

    From the day 1 of game development,this question have been haunting me.And my choice of good graphics is very very poor(no idea why?)

    Can you all please help me in compiling a list of good excellent fonts?

    Thank You

  • Super thanks !!!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Super thanks !!!

  • Hi everyone

    In my project, the game reads data from a json and displays the text on the screen through a text box. But I am facing a critical obstacle

    The text box is placed on rounded box as a boundary to the text part. But the issue is that I want the box to dynamically change its height according to the amount of text,so that text always remains inside the boundary and at the same time the box size is approx equal to the text content

    How to achieve the same ? I am struck on this issue from last one week

  • Hi

    Thanks for the template. And coincidently I have been searching about it from last 1 week.

    But what is the "real" name of this puzzle game? Because it is practically impossible to search for something on google whose name you don't even know ( there must be someone who have worked on procedural generation of levels of this game as it is quite common one )

  • I tried implementing admob ads but didnt In app. Implementing ads worked for me without any issue. You can use Google test ads to test your project. To implement admob ads you need an admob account from there you will get your Publisher id and Android application ID. You have to put publisher id, Android application id and ad unit ID in construct 3

    You can use the below link to get sample ad unit id for testing

    To get real ad unit id you have to create it in admob account.

    There are lot of youtube tutorials regarding this. Still if you are in trouble dont hesitate to reply i can help you within my knowledge.Iam not a techie. (Sorry for my bad English)

    Thanks for the help

    Issue regarding admob is that I can implement ads in my game but on the admob site (where stats are given) there is HUGE difference between ads "demanded" by my game and ads "shown" by my game. This I considered cheating by admob( this looks like I am analysing the ads and then showing the most expensive ads to my customer so that I can earn more) and account gets banned and I already have been

    So there are only 2 possibilities:- either there is issue with the plugin itself,or I am implementing in the wrong way. Since no one is complaining about it so this means that problem is on my side. So I want to know that how other construct developers implement ads in their game.

    Regarding in-app purchase,I never saw green light

  • jobel I sometimes need more than 10 points, when the shape is very complex, or when I need a perfect curve/circle, or like in this example when I needed to make a hole in the sprite:

    Cascade Games I did test on mobile with a smaller number of objects, and the difference in performance is still around 30%. Like I mentioned, it's an extreme case, 2.5M collision checks per second is something that should never happen in a real game.


  • Hi

    I am working from last 2 months on implementing ads and in-app purchases in my app but alas it is simply refusing to work

    So if possible then please, please someone post a simple basic template on how to implement ads and in-app purchases in the game. It would be a blessing on me and other also who are new to construct 3. I tried very hard to understand from official documentation but alas I am failing

    Thanks again

  • Hi

    Thanks again for the projects which you shared with us. The best part was the internet access projects and it was very very valuable to me. Thanks again

  • We've all seen this warning message displayed when you are trying to add more than 8 points to a collision polygon.

    I decided to test if complex collision polygons are really that bad for performance. Here is the test project.

    Note, that this test is quite extreme - there are 210 rotating objects, each object is tested for overlapping with all other objects on every tick. That's about 2.5 million collision checks per second!

    And yet on my mid-level laptop the difference between 4 points and 20 points in the collision polygon is really not that big!

    I'm also working on another project, where people can load a custom image and its collision polygon is detected automatically. As a result, some images might have 200-300 points in their collision polygon. And this still doesn't cause any noticeable performance issues.


    First of all - kudos to Scirra for optimizing collision checks!

    Second - don't be afraid to add a few extra points when needed. But of course, try to keep the number of collision checks low.

    And finally - I think the threshold for that warning needs to be increased. Maybe show it after adding 15 or 20 points. And I would really like to be able to click "never show this message again" and hide if forever.

    Did you tested for mobile? Every platform must need to be taken together