Cascade Games's Forum Posts

  • > Ok let's dream :p


    > - A web 3D engine

    > - Live co-editing (à là Google Docs)

    Yesh, thish.

    In my opinion, ARVR is going to replace all things with screens and 2D will be relegated to ever smaller use cases. C3 just has no way to compete in this potential future. This is a real shame, because I absolutely love the Eventsheet system and just the whole vibe I get from Construct. The Scirra team has done a great job of translating all the unnecessary code shtuff.

    But again, if Scirra wants to stick their head in the ground and continue their line that 'Construct is a 2d games engine' then they will be increasingly less useful as time goes on.

    With that said, I do think they are trying to figure this out. I recently started playing with the 3D objects and I think they are pretty cool. And, I say all this in love <3

    I am really sorry but 2d is a different domain. It runs parallel with 3d and VR. Hence development in any domain is independent of other domains.

  • Only & only one thing

    Preparation of replacement of Cordova. (And it is possible:- cocos creator is JavaScript based game engine and they don't use Cordova for mobile export). And I am not suggesting it for better performance but rather to avoid mishap in future (Cordova is not used too much & very few people work on its maintenance & that's too on charity)

    If this is possible then my life is set ❤️

  • The same guy has given a couple of really good GDC talks about how to make effective trailers, too:


    Thanks buddy a lot. Matters a lot to me 👍

  • Derek Lieu has a website and newsletter to help people make trailers for their games

    That would be a good place to start

    Super thanks for the reply

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Thanks buddy

  • Hi,

    I am thinking of putting a link button inside my game(it will take the user to another game on the play store-> cross promotion)

    Is linking allowed in android games?


  • Hi everyone

    How do you all make promotion videos for your game? I have no idea regarding it & looks like it is gonna hurt me in the future. Please share some tips & advise regarding it


  • Whites happens when all three values are high and similar to each other. To avoid this, you'll want at least one of the values to be low.

    Any cheaper way to do this? Otherwise I can do it but it will be a very long process (lots of condition etc)

    BTW thanks for the reply

  • I want to generate random bright colors. Currently I use rgbEx(random(75,100),random(75,100),random(75,100)). But the issue with it is that colors of "white section" are generated

    Any idea how to do this? Thanks

  • Hi,

    Actually I had made few dynamic background for some project but looks like the project is shut down. Hence I decided to giveaway the source code of them


    Enjoy !

  • > Sorry for a random question

    > Why many don't use Construct 3 online APK service to make apps? Few clicks and APK is made


    > Is there some extra advantage on manually making APK file?

    The standard Cordova builds are not compliant with Google quality standards.

    For example: native GUIs (like popups) uses deprecated themes. The Back-button doesn't work. The (fallback) icon is created incorrectly. All those things must be amended manually before building the APK.

    edit: also for analyses reasons, since it is very easy to investigate logs while running you app in AS.

    Hi, another doubt

    Can't we make back button work using browser plugin?

  • Hi everyone,

    I want ideas for dynamic backgrounds for game menu. Is there any source to get inspiration?

    Thanks in Advance

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  • Thanks a lot buddy ❤️

  • You mean on mobile? You need to use Browser condition "On Back button pressed"

    I am talking about this back button. Android export