Carbincopy's Forum Posts

  • Issue with outside layout, outside collision zones.

    Trying to get player to move within set bounders on touch set x set y

    Tried moveto plugin, tried 8 way movement, tried bullet, tried pathfinding.

    can get to work with arrow keys but on touch overlapping occurs

    I am trying to learn how to make a Maniac Mansion Style Game.

    any advice would be great. Thanks Jeremy C.

  • Truly inspiring. I love them all. Thanks for the plugin I will give it a go and see what I can make. any word on the tower platformer? really enjoyed seeing kenny sprites with 2.5d effects.

    Thanks again for making me C2 experience even better have played the Outrun every day since it hit the arcade.


    Update: c2 missing plugin outrun_text

    am i overlooking something?

    have a great day


    Works putting the folder in the plugins folder.

  • > on start of layout group 1 disabled if action is inside group it will not run.


    You mean the group should be disabled from the start, not on the way...? I got to test this as well... thanks!

    yes on start of layout disactivated not disabled from the group title area as if disabled it will not play at all. even if called to activate from the event sheet.

    on click, keypress, on wait, on loop, or any other method call for toggle activate group or activate group as you wish to use them and disactivate then same way.

  • Dont forget to add english subtitles

    Don't worry about the English subtitles. I am making how to videos based on videos I have been watching mostly Portuguese and Russian have great video collections for construct 2 so far.

  • because I understand lettertext1 / set text to letter.text(0)

  • I was wondering, are you able to use an array to randomly choose a picture, so that they aren't always in the same sequence?

    I got a snippet of code I found in this ... ne-concept ( .capx) that loads images from an xml file with matching Description.Text.

    If description.text = word.text then I should be able to pull letter.text.

    So now I need to understand how to pull word.text = letter.text(0)&letter.text(1)&letter.text(2).

    then if letter.text = word.text get random text.field

  • Yea, everything has a learning curve, just keep pressing. We are here to help you over stumps.

    Remember that indices (in arrays) start 0.

    Yes there is a learning curve once you start building games that are not just drag and drop designs.

    I try and learn new tricks everyday and have started making how to videos for construct 2.

    I have really enjoyed all the advice and the tutorials that I have found.

  • on start of layout group 1 disabled if action is inside group it will not run.

  • there are tons of examples for rpg text boxes and pop ups

  • no need to loop just use ajax to load words to array <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    Wish I knew how. This game is made with layers and loops.

    Until I better understand text in C2.

    New Version 1.0 released ... b-v10-4713

    Have Fun and Enjoy. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Jeremy C.

  • i only spell car

    yes that is correct.

    as it is a work in progress.

    I am trying to learn how to add more words with out setting active loop or layout.

    There should be another update some time today or tomorrow.

  • Hello everybody,

    Here is my first attempt to create a Flash Card / Spelling Game / Hangman style game.

    As there are no how to for this project. I am having to make it up as I go. ... ing-b-4713

    Currently only one word and 4 letters active for v as it was my first attempt.

    and I needed to create it to get help on the forums.

    I want to pull words and images from a .xml file or .txt file and also get random Flash Cards / Words.

    So please bare with me as I continue to learn how to work with TEXT in Construct 2.

    all comments welcome. Have fun and enjoy. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> Jeremy C.

  • Ok! here is what I have come up with so far. ... ing-b-4713

    Not quite what I am looking for but it is a good start.

    Thanks again for the comments. Jeremy C.

  • Thanks for the comment. I will have to play around with it. As the link has a link to the manual which gives descriptions of text commands and as I know not what they do or how to implement them it will be a learning curve for me to over come.

    If I understand it right I will need to use tokenat(src, index, separator) to get word.

    compare two variables word = answer then get random word

    set text invisible

    set text mid(text, index, count) 0

    set global txt1 = mid(text, index, count) 0

    set text invisible

    set text mid(text, index, count) 1

    set global txt2 = mid(text, index, count) 1

    set text invisible

    set text mid(text, index, count) 2

    set global txt3 = mid(text, index, count) 2

    on keypressed C compare global txt 1, compare global txt2, compare global txt3

    if global txt = C then set Text visible

    else play sorry try again.

    I am sure I will have to play around with it so don't go by the code above as truth just my understanding of how it should work. from a newbies view on coding.

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. Jeremy C.

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  • I believe you have to download the construct classic version. You will be able to load the old cap files and manually replicate the event by hand in construct 2

    thanks will give it a try.