Bootfit's Forum Posts

  • I'm pretty certain Construct isn't used solely by 12 year old beginner devs.

    The GDPR/AdMob live banner iOS issue and how it's been handled has seriously screwed up my perception of Scirra/Construct - I've stopped recommending it now. The only reason I'm sticking with it is that several of my games are complete minus the iOS GDPR/AdMob fixes.

    From the beginning I've had several issues with plugin clashes that took ages to resolve (keep in mind that this platform is designed for those with little dev knowledge so we don't understand why things are broken so we spend forever looking for a fix/patch) and although Scirra did implement a social share plugin (as the one I found on GitHub was clashing with the Construct Google Play plugin) I'd have thought that things like a social share plugin was a basic for a mobile games dev engine - something like a social share plugin should have been there from the start.

    As such, my yearly subscription is almost up and in that time I've completed several short games but managed to launch exactly none of them as the iOS versions are incomplete. I *could* launch on Android only but I want to launch on both platforms to give them the best chance of success. Plus I chose Construct as it was marketed as for both Android and iOS - yes the games could go live on the iOS store but without the ability to monetise them or (earlier in my subscription) the ability to share socially whats the point?

    Right now it's *impossible* to monetise your app for iOS devices and there's next to no communication from the devs who are supposedly fixing it. There's plenty of Twitter updates on new templates and bug fixes and runtimes etc but absolute *silence* on the *major issue* of iOS/GDPR/AdMob - just feels like the *customer* base is being ignored.

    Scirra: "Hey, look at this cool thing we've done!"

    Customer: "Yeah, but what about that important issue we've been asking you to fix for months?"

    Scirra: "Look, a box of kittens!!"

    Just absolutely awful customer relations.

    The only thing Construct seems to have going for it right now is it's low price point - £79 per year *is* cheap for a games engine - but when you realise you can't actually monetise half the platforms you can develop for its a bit of a lame duck.

  • When my player dies Touch input is still active.

    How do I set it where once a player dies their touch input is no longer recognised?

    Thanks all :)

  • I have a particle effect called Steam that I want to play when a user clicks on an event.

    I want the particle effect to appear and be centered on two image points on a sprite. The image points are called Image Point 1 and Image Point 2.

    I currently have:

    Touch > On any touch start > steam > ???

    Any ideas how to implement this?

    Thanks all :)

  • Weeeell another weeks gone by without this being fixed nor the banner ads on iOS either.

  • Would Scirra ever consider creating a blog, YouTube channel or similar that showcases users' apps once they're live or are about to go live?

    It's very difficult to get coverage for your app when you're a small indy dev and a blog or YouTube channel would help promote apps built in Scirra and give users a headstart when promoting their app. I'm guessing Scirra also has contacts in some of the more popular online publications and YouTube channels so again it would help promote both the app and in-turn Scrirra if Scirra provided Construct/App-based content to these channels.

    I've also posted this here

  • There was an update on the Github bug report today:

    yes it's being worked on, there has been an incompatability issue with the user consent SDK that Google has provided for iOS. I've given up waiting for the issue to be resolved and I'm now merging the SDK directly into our plugin. I had it working yesterday so it's looking promising

    So hopefully this will be resolved soon. If we're lucky it may also fix the issue of live banners not appearing on iOS devices.

    I agree that this is an incredibly frustrating set of circumstances that Scirra had no control over but have to find a fix for - and it looks like they are on their way to sorting it.

  • Yeah I bought that plugin a few months back but it seemed to be clashing with another plugin so I jibbed it. Just checked it now and it doesn’t have the GDPR compliance functionality. It does have individual input fields for both Android and iOS banner, interstitial and videos though.

  • Cheers for the list. I created a dummy app with no other plugin other than the MobileAdvert plugin and the banners still don’t load. They configure fine, just not load.

    I created another bug report on git hub but it got deleted as it too similar to the existing bugs.

    Just have to sit and wait until the devs get around to fixing it.

  • If you’re trying to display ads in Preview mode within Construct then it’s likelt that the ads won’t display. You’ll have to do a build and deploy to a phone to see the ads running.

  • Been working on this over the weekend on my app - I've got it set up so if MobileAdvert fails to configure or MobileAdvert fails to load (using 'on configuration failed' and 'on banner failed to load') then text boxes appear indicating which.

    Both text boxes appear meaning that MobileAdvert fails to configure on iOS and so the banner fails to load.

    So the initial issue is getting the banners to configure on iOS.

    If has his banners configuring and loading on iOS perhaps its a clash with other plugins that we're using.

    The plugins I'm using are: Audio, Browser, Function, GameCenter GooglePlay, LocalStorage, MobileAdvert, Mouse, SocialSharingPlugin, Touch.

    which plugins are you using in your app - I'll delete those that don't match yours and see if there's a clash. Also, are you building via Xcode or Cordova?

  • You need to add the MobileAdvert object to your project. Then in the MobileAdvert properties panel you need to fill in the Application ID and Publisher ID.

    Then you need to:

    MobileAdvert > Configure - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Create banner advert - and fill in the details

    MobileAdvert > Show the current banner advert

    Is this failing on Android or iOS? Does it fail when Test mode is enabled or does it just fail when you're testing with live ads?

  • Folks - any idea on how to do this?

  • Odd that yours are appearing but mine aren’t. I’ve even got the emails from Google saying they’re appearing.

    Any chance you can post a quick breakdown of your ad layout on your event sheet?

    - as I haven't made my app live yet, on the AdMob interface I've yet to click the button 'Link your app with the App Store' - do you think this will be an issue?

    Also, I'm building on r111 - but the version of the Mobile Advert plugin is the version I added a couple of months back. Do I need to re-add the plugin for the latest version or does it auto-update?

  • My ads aren’t showing on iOS - only on Android. Both using exactly the same setup. They show fine in test mode but not in test mode off.

    Are yours showing in test mode off?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Now we just need iOS.

    Yeah I’ve been poking them continually about that to no avail - it’s been almost 3 months now and still nothing. Also when you take Test mode off your app and try to show real ads on iOS the ads just don’t appear.

    There’s clearly an issue with Construct, the GDPR plugin and iOS - we need more users to make a noise about it. If not on here then on places like Reddit where beginner devs are looking for suggestion for game dev engines. If users can’t monetise their iOS apps then Scirra need to clearly state this before users pay up for the year.