You must attach a CAPX. It sounds like you are playing the sound every tick, but since you don't provide the code, this can't be confirmed.
There are different "Pick" events. You need to pick the specific objects you care about first. We'd need more details to be more specific. One way is to store the UID of the player/enemy on the object when pinned, then you can pick by the parent's UID to get the right object to unpin. There are many other ways to d this.
You need to add an event to pick your "other" object that has the same inst_ID as the original.
On tap is triggered when you touch and release - after release, there are no coordinates. Just store the touch coordinates "On any touch start" or "Is in touch" and use them "On tap".
You can use "Is visible", or "Compare opacity", depending on how you make it invisible.
Drag the c2addon file onto C2. It will self-install.
This has been deprecated, but if you go to the end of the first post here, you'll find it.
First, use int(random(1,5)) the get the numbers 1 to 4. Second, lookup the Nickname plugin. It will let you name your objects so that they can be created dynamically (use a number as the name in this case). That should help a lot.
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Chances are just adding For each coin will fix it.
Can you post a CAPX?
Families is the way to do it. Pick one object as the Family object and the other as the Sprite.
(Don't crop so much). Assuming this event is at the top level, then this line will play continuously (and you may or may not hear it). Make sure it only runs once. There are many ways to do this. One is to set my_win = 0 in that same event. Another is to check if that sound is not playing already.
Read up on Containers.
System:Compare two values
Animation frame = 3 | Animation frame = 11 | Animation frame = 27
=Equal to