Set Unbounded scrolling on "L Maze MercuryUs", don't disable scrolling. 8-direction Default controls = Yes.
It's not clear what you mean by "it's not acting as it does in the other layout". Other than the 8-direction Default controls set to No, I don't see a difference.
You don't need separate objects. Use one object with different frames. Then you just create the object showing the appropriate frame. This will make life much easier.
Events run about 60 times a seconds, so this is going to repeat 60 times a second UNLESS you add extra code to keep track of your current state. In this case add the extra condition: 'Compare two values' with DialogBubble.Count = 0
Touch:On any touch start -> Create Sprite on layer 0 at (Touch.X, Touch.Y)
Try this.inst.curFrame instead.
'Set font face', "Josefin Sans", bold
I don't know how you'd go beyond the 4 options C2 provides.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
You set the font size via the 'Set font size' action. You just need to include the URL in one of the text objects, but give all the same Family name. You then set the font size specifically. It takes a bit to down load the font, so you just need that once in 'On start of layout'.
Roughly, Has LOS, Enable bullet, else Disable bullet
Just add an instance variable saying that the hit has occurred, and check that as part of your 'On collision' event.
I just opened the Facebook template, and Mouse is there. You can just add Mouse anyway, yourself.
If you set the instance variable right after the create, it will only affect the new instance.