Bl4ckSh33p's Forum Posts

  • Hi! Just tried to use the pixelate effect on some SVG icons but they are just invisible on Remote Preview.

    Removing the effect makes the icon visible again.

    It works fine on a sprite. Is it possible to fix this?

  • Hi! The manual says the smart portrait advert is 32, 50 or 90 pixels high. But when I test it on 2 phones they are very different in size. I placed my items at Y=180 and one phone has a small gap between the ad and the object and the other one has a big ad overlapping my object. But the ad should be only 90px high?

    I assume it has to do with different screen sizes and resolutions. Is there a way to place items just below the ad without any gaps or overlapping?

  • Hi! I tried to make my new app with one big layout just scrolling left and right instead of loading new layouts. I added 2 iframes which are squeezed when moving sideways until they disappear. But when I switch a few times on one of my 2 test phones the app always stops responding just after showing a small part of the iframe on the page I navigate to. I could not see if there is a consol error yet cause debugging via USB did not work so far. But I will try it again.

    But are there any known issues if you have multiple iframes and/or scroll the screen to make them disappear/reappear on the viewport?

    It works fine on my PC preview and on one of my test phones (Android). But the other phone always hangs when the frame appears on the screen.


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  • Thank you very much for the examples!

  • Hi! I published my first game for Android made with C3!

    It's an endless racing game with leaderboards, achievements, holiday events and cosmetic unlocks.

    You can download it here:

  • Hi. I tried to use blend modes to find a way to make an area where text and objects are visible but outside of the area they are hidden. Like a rectangle surrounded by scenery.

    I tried different layers, modes etc but I gave up after a few hours and used images on top to hide the scrolling objects behind.

    Is this possible with blend modes?

  • Don't know how but it was disabled! Thanks. 😅

  • Hi! I often resize sprites in the animation editor to make them smaller and be about the size I use in my game. But recently while using the last beta builds it seems the resized images are very pixelated (edges, small black lines). I had to resize them in or other image editing software to make it "softer".

    But I never had this issue in the past when resizing images. Is this a new change or issue in C3?

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  • I think I found it. It works with the Layer coords of Touch and the negative angles seem to work fine without any extra code.

    -> Player: Accelerate Custom 140 at angle angle(UI_SteeringCircle.X,UI_SteeringCircle.Y,Touch.X("HUD"),Touch.Y("HUD"))

    -> Player: Rotate 10 degrees toward angle(UI_SteeringCircle.X,UI_SteeringCircle.Y,Touch.X("HUD"),Touch.Y("HUD"))

  • Thanks. I tried to recreate it in C3 Nepeo but sqrt does only work with 1 param and theta does not seem to work.

    -> System: Set delta_x to Player.X-UI_SteeringCircle.X

    -> System: Set delta_y to Player.Y-UI_SteeringCircle.Y

    -> System: Set theta to angle(0, 0, delta_x, delta_y) + 180

    It's always flying in the same direction no matter where I hit the circle.

    When I switch player and center of the UI element the player sprite moves in the opposite direction.

    Your example is hard to understand winkr7.

    I tried to copy the code from newt and found it works if UI element is not on a 0,0 parallax layer. As soon as I disable parallax for the UI layer its no longer working with the negative angles.

    -> Player: Accelerate Custom 140 at angle angle(UI_SteeringCircle.X,UI_SteeringCircle.Y,Touch.XAt(0),Touch.YAt(0))

    Any idea how to do it with 0,0 parallax for UI elements?

  • Hi! I created a circle sprite for the right thumb to control the player sprite.

    I used this code to get the angle from the center to the touch position to rotate towards the angle and accelerate in the direction. But the angle() returns 0 to 180 for the lower half of the circle and -0 to -180 for the upper half. But the action to set/rotate towards angle uses 360 degrees?

    + Touch: Is in touch

    + Touch: Is touching UI_SteeringCircle

    -> Player: Accelerate Custom 140 at angle angle(UI_SteeringCircle.X,UI_SteeringCircle.Y,Touch.AbsoluteX,Touch.AbsoluteY)

    -> Player: Rotate 10 degrees toward angle(UI_SteeringCircle.X,UI_SteeringCircle.Y,Touch.AbsoluteX,Touch.AbsoluteY)

    Does anyone know how to make this work to move the player in the direction you put your thumb on the circle?

  • Found a workaround with replace. :)

    Set Text to:

    replace(HowToUnlock.GetDefault(Text.ID, ""),"\n",newline)

    \n in the string will be replaced with newline.

  • Thank you very much mekonbekon!

    + Exhaust_Particles: On created

    -> Exhaust_Particles: Set animation to TempExhaust (play from beginning)

    Works fine. :)

    But it would be nice if you could select specific family members by ID/variable for particle objects, too.

  • Hi! I added a new dictionary file to my project to add a list of unlock criteria for my game. When I copied the old text with linebreaks it added \n\n in the string but these are not converted to linebreaks and just displayed. Is it possible to use a "newline" command in a dictionary file somehow?