Badmiracle's Forum Posts

  • Hopefully...!

  • R0J0hound


    Thanks for the links guys! I came across this page: and it looks similar to what I need. That said it isn't perfect.

    In any case, I think the math involved is beyond me. Even if I were to implement it following the bezier spline method, you'll notice how there is an "unnecessary" curve between the first two nodes:

    I don't need my object to follow the path perfectly, but rather simply curve around the edges (when closer to the nodes) with the goal of just making the movement smoother, do you know of a simpler way to implement something that can achieve this?

  • Hi,

    I am working on a form of path-finding for my game. On a move command, it will calculate a path for the player using "nodes".

    What i'm trying to work out is this: my player moves to node 1, and then cuts at a sharp angle to node 2 (following the red path here:, which looks a bit odd. I am trying to gradually curve the player around objects (using the nodes as a guide) so that the player follows something more like the green path shown in the image, instead.

    Can anyone think of a formula/approach to get the player to curve it's position gradually as it approaches a node?

    (Using: player.x, player.y, node1.x, node1.y, node2.x, node2.y)

    I think the Sine behavior might be of use, but this one's got me stumped.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Remote preview is available right now! All premium features are active for the duration of the game jam, provided you are signed into C3.

    The bad news is that all browsers on iOS have to use apple's webview, which doesn't support webRTC yet and it's required for preview to work. You can see the current status at

    Well I think it's safe to assume that if apple's webview doesn't support webRTC yet, we shouldn't be holding our breath.

    Nepeo Construct 2 has a preview feature that uses a LAN address (which we can use to test on iOS mobile devices). Can we expect the same feature to be added to Construct 3 as a work around?

  • Is this feature already in Construct 3? I'm trying to test the game on my iOS device.

  • Not to go off ops topic too much

    It's been awhile since there was a C2 game jam.

    Maybe a platformer jam would help figure out any issues.

    I love this guy.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Is there a simple demo on how to get a 3D character model (w/ walking animations) to work in a 2D environment?

    I couldn't find anything like this in the tutorials.

    So in a 2D environment the camera angle on the 3D character model would be locked to a diagonal view, the actual Player object will be a 2D invisible sprite that moves, and the 3D model will just position itself on top of this invisible sprite at all times - so 3D character model would be for appearance only.

  • Well you need two sides with a right angle.

    Do you have that?

    Otherwise I think it's getting the intersection point from two vectors.

    Can't help with that.

    Yeah, it's not likely a right angle triangle every time. Thanks anyways

  • Well the speed is in pixels per second, so if you have the intersection you could use distance() to figure out how long that would take.

    Use pythag to get the intersection point.

    What am I inputting for Pythag, and how does that give me the intersection point?

  • Hi Ashley and any other math geniuses,

    I've re-implemented the Perfect Aim formula that Ashley created from here: ... 9399#p9399 into Construct 2.

    It works great - but is there a way to get the predicted point of intersection (X, Y) or at least the TIME of when the Bullet will meet the Target?

    Thank you!

  • My game loads a JSON data file from the web directory I've uploaded it too. I'm trying to update the JSON file on the fly, but it appears to be cached in the browser so even after I've uploaded the new file, the online game will continue using the old version of the file stored in the browsers memory (unless I refresh several times, or clear the browser cache manually).

    I've deleted the JSON file from the offline.appcache file that's created once the game is exported, but it still doesn't seem to work.

    Does anyone know how to automatically re-download a JSON file every time (or possibly detect when changes have been made and only re-download it then)? The game depends on this file being up to date.

    Thanks in advance.

  • [quote:3pjf0xw0]The fix is still there. It may be another bug. I could not reproduce it by quickly leaving the room and joining back. Can you please send simple app reproducing the issue? What's in your browser console when this happens?


    Sure, please put in your own AppID -

    When you run it, just Left Click and then wait at least 15 seconds (it works for a small amount of time before disconnecting, make sure the console is open).

    First thing that will happen is the console will output "Error: 1003 Game server closed connection." and a few seconds later an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET.

    Here is what my console reads:

    Game: PhotonPeer[_dispatchPeerStatus] - No handler for  connecting registered.
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Client: State: JoinedLobby -> ConnectingToGameserver
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Master: Disconnected 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: Connected 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: Authenticate... 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: Authenticated 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: Connected 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Client: State: ConnectingToGameserver -> ConnectedToGameserver
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: myActor:  [object Object](TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON)
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Client: State: ConnectedToGameserver -> Joined
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Game: Server closed connection 
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Client: State: Joined -> Error
    Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21 Client: Error: 1003 Game server closed connectiona.log @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:21a.error @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:20d._onErrorInternal @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:116(anonymous function) @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:108a._dispatch @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:16a._dispatchPeerStatus @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:17a._onDisconnect @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:15_socket.onclose @ Photon-Javascript_SDK.min.js:4
    GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET[/code:3pjf0xw0]
    The last line starting with GET continues repeating.
  • > Hi guys i´m trying to use this plugin but having troubles with it. Could you guys help me? I am makina a multiplayer quiz with Photon. When a player logs in he goes to a main room where he could find other spare players in order to invite. When he invites another player and the other accepts, both are taken to a new room, just for them. This works fine in multiplayer plugin, but when trying to make it in photon (I first leave room and then, when i am in lobby again), the room is created but some seconds later i get an error 1003/ Server closed connection.


    > Thank you for your help


    This is due to a bug in leaving room logic in Photon js SDK. Fixed. Please download updated Scirra SDK version

    Thanks for report.

    I still seem to be getting the exact same bug with version Did the fix possibly revert in the last patch?

  • Badmiracle

    Usually if both objects have the behavior, the knock back is automatic. Or if you want it to be more severe you could apply an impulse on post collide. If one object doesn't have the behavior you can still apply an impulse.

    Apply impulse at offset just makes for some wack behavior - sending objects rotating rapidly, and not stopping... how do I just make a simple knockback and what else do I have to adjust to prevent the impulse for remaining forever

  • Whats a good way to handle a simple knockback... e.g. object 1 hits object 2, knockback object 2 at the angle it was hit.

    I've been testing a few things with the various chipmunk actions and nothing seems to work