Anyone have a smart/easy way to track a 3d object in cam/screen space?
I'm wanting to basically do this.. ... -three-js/
With a standard C2 Sprite, tracking a moving Q3D Object.
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ah I see this has been discussed a little..
Page 167 - QuaziGNRLnose said--
[quote:13x18o6c]for the 2D/3D projection thing, there's no built-in method to get the view-space coordinates or projection matrix. Generally that's supposed to be what you use Q3D sprite for.
If you know javascript/sdk you can modify Q3D easily enough to give you what you need, just look at the tick2 function for Q3D bone where the debug text is displayed and you can add some new expressions that use a similar process. I'll look into adding it for the final update i'll do, but no word on how long that'll be.
If anyone has done this already, please pm me. Otherwise I'll be having a go at it myself..
Incidentally, the specific reason I want this, rather than just using the Q3DSprite, is that my Q3DRendering is being done at a lower resolution than my C2 Layouts. I want my HUD overlay to be super crisp, while my Q3DMaster is fine at a lower resolution.
I am curious about mapping Q3D objects to the 2D screen space as well. I am submitting a game to AirConsole, and one of their requirements is to show the nicknames of the players onscreen as text, rather than pre-rendered images. Right now I am using a Q3D sprite with pre-rendered text, but I need to be able change the text at runtime. The players are rendered in 3D, but there is no Q3D text, so I would like to use a standard Construct 2 Text object overlaid on the screen.
Does anyone have a quick and easy way to map 3D space to the 2D screen so that I can label the players?
Here's what I am looking to do: