Aurel's Forum Posts

  • I'm getting this problem from the Steam forum using Node Webkit 10.5

    The game wont start. [Mac OS X 10.10.2] (the loading bar turns red, unlike on other Max OSX versions where it launches ok)

    Seems like it's the very last version of Mac OSX. Do you guys are aware of this?

    I might switch to NW.js v0.12.0 alpha 3 only for this reason if it fixes this problem, but I would have to add a timer on start as I get the initial 10sec janks after the loading.

  • (You just have to set to fullscreen and you're good! Or export to windowed NW 10.5, it works nicely as well)

    Also, I always had to check the "Monitor Aero Desktop (DWM)" option, even with others of my games made using XNA.

  • At the end of the day, It's all about how close they are from Valve.

    If you can get a daily deal or week madness discount thanks to this publisher, it's the right thing to do. If you think they won't get you this, yes, it could be interesting to think twice and look for a bigger one or just go alone to cut the costs.

    Food for thoughts here in this sale report for "small" games like ours. And how sales are mostly related to discount and exposure directly on the store: ... -for-2014/

  • Somebody I never though of gradient fades, that looks super interesting to play with : )

  • Tetriser I really dig what I see of this store. Their game selection is right up my alley! I'll make sure to send the game for the complete DRM-free version.

    Mark Van August hey, thanks! : )

    Beaverlicious Hope you'll like it!

    notnsane I'm not using tilemaps at all, and the 4 players will be on the same screen (a la MicroMachines) so, it has a very low impact on the perfs.

    About the devlog, I can't wait to write it. I really want to do it, as these past 2 years have been incredible for me and made me learn so much things.

    I don't have time to do it for now, I'm still working on adding free updates to the game, but as soon as the complete version will be online, I'll make a huge one!

    If you want to know anything about how this or this is made in the game, I'll try my best to answer you, no problem.

    This is the first time I'm coding a game, so, I'm not sure my process can be useful for others, but I really like to share. So, don't hesitate!

    Mark "Mines mines mines mines mines mines mines!!!"

    the SuperBestFriends one is my favorite for now, I really like them. They played on the very first 1.0 build, sadly, the bug they had as been patched for a few weeks now.

    But still, even with the bug, I was super happy to see this pop! : )))

    Thanks so much for the FrEnglish corrections, i'm trying my best to have every single text approved by real americans/english, but a few typos may have slipped. Noted, and will be modified in the next update : )


    Also, since it's a developer forum, a hint about how these kind of important youtubers can have an impact on your sales.

    ... None!

    100.000 views on a youtube video doesn't change anything, it's all about having visibility on the store itself.

    People going for Steam, don't hesitate to team with an indie publisher who have good relationship with Valve.

    I'm really learning this the hard way, only this makes a difference.

    I'm very lucky, Penelope has tons and tons of coverage, 99% of it being super positive, saying "buy it!", but the game really need to be pushed on the store to sell a tiny bit.

    i'll try to include the sales numbers in the postmortem/devlog/making of, if this can be useful to some : )

  • Looks pretty good, congrats!

    Also, please don't read the following as an attack, but you should try to make this dragon design/animation more original. I was looking at this thread at the office, and everyone around me spotted the Shovel Knight inspiration in a second: ... /giphy.gif

    Again, the game looks great, and it's not important as you tagged your gif as "concept". Keep up the good work! : )

  • Somebody Awesome work as always. The drop shadow effect would have saved me a lot of work as well if it was included in C2 by default.

    Keep up the fantastic work!

  • Ah ah, add some bouncing metal letters and you're ready for some serious 90's Atari ST demoscene!

  • Somebody Fantastic! Hail to the shader king! Grabbing this right now : )

  • Did you guys check the "Monitor Aero Desktop (DWM)" tickbox?

    I recorded all my videos usig Fraps, and just captured some footage from the last Chrome version.

    (that's said, if I close Chrome and re-open it, Fraps doesn't see it anymore.)

  • Tetriser As soon as the early access is over, yes, DRM free on GOG ! I'm not very familiar with, is it something you would advice?

    cioclod Thanks! Yep, only C2.

    JamesXXXYZ I was only the graphic artist/ game designer at Arkedo, I'm a true beginner here. This is the very first time I'm handling the game logic and the music : )

  • Somebody HOLY ***** You just made ALL the shaders I missed during the game production.

    These effects are incredibly useful, and some really could/should be included by default in C2. (< Ashley ?)

    Scrolling UV is a basic which is very, very used in other engines, saves tons of animation frames for waterfalls, lava, etc... and was missing badly.

    Most of your other shaders like Trim are super helpful as well for HUD. It would have saved me a lot of time on life bars, etc...

    Thank you very, very much for all this work. Looks like you're on fire! : )

    i can't wait to see what will be your next ones.

    EDIT: Should you have the time to do it, a "time" parameter would be super convenient for the seamless effect, so we don't have to modify a variable every tick to generate endless lopping objects like waterfalls or rain textures. (A "sine" parameter could help as well, to make objects like the one you show in your example.)

    EDIT2: Your Dot effect is fantastic as well. Are you able to apply it on a full layout? I got it to work on objects, but not on the layout.

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  • Games whoops, edited. Thank you : )

    I don't use any physics object in the game, so I let the one by default.

    Ashley And I can definitely see it on low spec hardware! Very impressive : )))

  • Since the Penelope EA launch, I made no updates on anything, because, well, too dangerous. I stayed with r186.2 for months.

    I was curious about the last C2 update because of the perf improvements, and just tried the game on a quite low perf laptop.

    C2 r196 + Chrome Version 40.0.2214.94 m:

    I get a few janks on start (music loading I guess), then, YEAH BUTTERSMOOTH YEAH.

    The game was running at 40/45fps max before on this hardware + chrome, and it's now 60fps with all effects enabled, rock solid.

    Particles, destroy events, and shaders seems do not harm the framerate anymore. Create events can cause a few janks, but subtle ones, nothing important.

    Lovely surprise, oh, and frameskip seems way more visualy correct as well.

    So, thanks a lot Ashley, I don't know what changes had the more impact on the game, but it seems to be for the very best! : )

  • Be sure I'll make one as soon as I get a bit more time (in a few months). These last 2 years have been fantastic, and I would love to keep something written to remember it later.