Aurel's Forum Posts

  • Ashley

    Minimum CAPX available here (6mo): ... .capx?dl=0

    What's inside?

    • a sprite, in additive mode, on a layer.
    • a bright background layer so we can see the addtive effect.


    • additive blending works ok if mode7 is desactivated on the sprite layer.
    • additive blending doesn't work if mode7 is activated on the sprite layer.
    • additive blending works if applicated on the full layer, though. But not on sprites.
  • Very nice, kudos!

  • Same here.

    Can't open my project since last beta because of this. Go, revert! : )

  • Of course!

    I'm working on the minimal CAPX, should we find something, I'll post the shader and the CAPX, so everyone can have it.

    Ashley working on it as we speak!

  • Nope, definitely no luck with the blendings. (Can't wait to have this fixed to record a clean video!)

    I tried:

    • remove all other effects, on the layout and on all layers
    • try forcing own texture on/off
    • check at the fallback blendings

    Argl, so close! Any idea? Could that come from the shader too? I guess this one is on my side, but I don't see where to look for...

  • Thanks you SO MUCH Ashley, transparencies are BACK in business! : ))

    And the shader seems faster, too!

    The additive blending is still missing, though, but that's so much better already : )))

    I'm investigating right now for the blending, maybe I'm doing something wrong somewhere...

    (but blendings are OK if the mode7 effect is disabled, even with 4 others effects activated)

  • R0J0hound I made a rough video to show you how much your effect add to the game : )

    I'm still investigating on this transparencies and blending issues. For the video bellow, I tried to disabled ALL effects but mode 7.

    Could that be possible that the shader doesn't support transparencies or am I doing something wrong?

    I tried to force "own texture on/off" on every layers, tried with only one layer instead of two, nothing.

    If you think about something, that would be very helpful, this is the last issue I get before being able to send the press build on monday : )

    VIDEO > ... s.mp4?dl=0

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  • R0J0hound, thanks!

    And it looks really nice, thanks to you : )

    Now, I'm trying to apply this shader on the ships and track layers only, leaving the HUD untouched.

    It works, but I've lost the alpha channel +additive blending on the sprites featured in these layers. Does that sound familiar to someone?

    I remember how changing the effects order when implementing the motionblur fixed that, but it doesn't seem to do the trick this time.

  • Well, that's simple (and ugly), this is just the mode7 effect applied on the full layout.

    I don't handle a real mode7 or anything. It had all the chances to look wrong and flat, but the result is pretty cool anyway.

    Keep in mind it will only work on a game with a top view. If you want to make a real mode7 game, this is not the right way to do so.

    Finding the right settings was very long, but no need for tutorial, just fill the settings this way for a 1280x720 layout:

    Hope it can be useful to some : )

  • Aaaaaaand SUCCESS!

    My wife told me to edit this line, cause "eeeer, maybe this?" and it worked!

    vec4 color = texture2D(samplerFront, vec2(mod(xx * -scale_x, 1.0), mod(yy * scale_y, 1.0)));


    Thanks for your messages, I'll post a legit video once the frame/borders and all will be clean : ))

  • Alright, pretty close now!

    All is centered, and give a very nice perspective effect, I'm super happy with this : )

    Here's a video if you want to have a look at it:

    VIDEO > ... 7.mp4?dl=0

    R0J0hound , would you have the time to tell me how to invert the X display? This is the last problem I have, and I got no luck while randomly editing the shader.

    • Post link icon

    Here is a direct link where you can donate to greenheart:

    Much, much deserved if you ask me : )

    Edit: done. Thanks again, and again, for what you've done with Greenworks.


    Hey everyone, if you're glad this plugin exists, and if you want it to be updated, please consider donating to the people who made it for us : )

    greenheartgames: "Greenworks 0.3 was a direct reaction to the requests from the community and not motivated by our own needs. "

    Only five people did, which is very low. If you can, this sounds like a nice thing to do to thank them!


  • Hey, thanks a lot! : )

  • Just used this effet for a menu background , this is fantastic!

    It would be very nice to have it bundled with C2, maybe with an autoscroll value for X et Y position for beginners.

    Thanks A LOT for this one, superb job! : )



    So... I tried something stupid, just for the fun of it, and applied this mode7 effect on the whole layout.

    I was expecting something flat, weird, and very wrong.

    Annnd, oh snap, I'm amazed how dynamic, fast and "3D" the game feels this way!! It makes no sense, but I'll try to record a video tomorrow so you can see this. It's like the top down view was waiting for this silly test!

    That said, even after 2 hours spent on the mode7 fx settings, here is the best I'm getting: a lot of space is wasted, the display is horizontaly flipped and the effect is too strong. R0J0hound, do you think I could get closer from the 2nd picture bellow with some adjustements (in settings or directly in the shader code)?

    Thanks again for this great, great fx : )))

  • Hi! : )

    • There will be 3 graphic settings in the game: normal (nearly no shaders), high (all shaders), and very high (arcade monitor feel with a lot of postprocess like CRT+color saturation etc)
    • I'm still not sure about the demo. On xbox 360, making a demo was mandatory AND very interesting for the sales thanks to the "unlock full game" button at the end.

    On Steam, sadly stats are showing how nobody cares about the demo, and how absolutely no one buy a game after trying a demo.

    Maybe I'll make one a few weeks after the release, but for now I still don't know to be fully honest.