Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Multiple light sources was in regards to dynamic shadow casting - it's possible with bumpmapping but you essentially need a bumpmap effect for every light, which would probably run too slow for this use. Maybe there's a way I can work out to do that better.

  • You shouldn't use thousands of sprites to do this, it's an inefficient solution to the problem. The best way involves adding something like Attan's suggestion to Canvas, which I've planned for a while, but not got round to. So I'd say wait until then to make your destructible terrains.

  • Polygons could be useful in physics and advanced lighting engines (which we don't have yet), but post-1.0 for these probably - until then box and ellipse will suffice...

  • or you'd be loading it into memory and interpreting it on the fly (which could slow your game down drastically)

    Events are already loaded in to memory and interpreted on the fly, so no big problems there.

    All in all it's a fairly good idea, but I think its a post-1.0 type of idea, considering weighing up benefits and workload. It wouldn't be particularly easy to code, since you'd have to deal with situations like someone saving an event sheet for their platform game and trying to import it to someone's RTS game.

    The main use I see for it is quick patching - if all your events are exported as external files, you can do bugfixes and distribute the small event files as the patch update. Writing mods with this system is trickier since you'd basically need the source .cap to generate a valid event sheet (with the right object names in the right order with the right behaviors and effects etc), which kind of defeats the point - Python would be much better for mods. This patching method also has a number of drawbacks:

    • It's not that far off redistributing the main .EXE for a patch, which isn't too difficult usually.
    • If you want to ADD an object or something, it's useless - go for a normal patch again.
    • If you want to change any of the graphics, effects, behaviors etc, again it's not effective.
    • Even with a 200mb EXE with events-only changes that you want to patch... existing patching tools save differences between files only, so chances are good you'd have a tiny patcher still. And this method of patching has none of the above drawbacks.

    Nice idea, but I think it needs careful design to get around some of these issues.

  • The short answer is no, physics collisions won't be per pixel, because the collision engine in Newton is substantially different - it operates on convex polygons rather than bitmap masks. Also, many bitmap masks are impossible to convert to a convex polygon. I was thinking about adding some kind of polygon editor, so you could at least approximate the object's shape with a convex polygon, but it's probably some way off.

  • Fixed for next build!

  • I think it's a worthwhile feature so you at least have the option, but Exomarc is right, it actually has limited use in multiplayer games: the server will track your score, not the client, so if you hexedit your score and send s "I have loads of score" packet to the server the server says "Umm, no you don't?" and boots you from the game. This is also to prevent the possibility of somebody entirely recoding your game to the network spec themselves, and programming deliberate hacks in!

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  • Great find Davion, that's the perfect program for normal mapping, and works great in Construct!

    Also - Raindemo with bumps. Ain't this just delicious.

  • It'll be out this evening!

  • Hotspots show up again in 0.94.3 FYI.

  • Containers select all in one go - so you only need an ID for one object in the container... and every object has a UID already built in

    What do you use IDs for btw? I've never really needed to use them, considering we have 'For Each' and all...

  • Natural selection at its finest.

  • as soon as that crap song came out I went and changed all my passwords

    Why? Were people gonna say "Hey, check out that guy's dumb password, ha ha"?

  • No.

  • Well, since he's gone and edited out everything he posted, I think this thread has run its course!