Hehe, you got it the wrong way round Construct came after Multimedia Fusion. In fact, myself and a couple of the other developers used to write extensions for MMF. We ended up leaving and writing our own program though.
The copying thing has been done to death in the past, but a good example is: is OpenOffice "copying" Microsoft Word, or are they just two originally written programs that attempt to solve the same problem? Isn't it better for customers when there are two competing options which are always trying to do better? Clickteam have come up with more features (HWA, Flash export, Java export etc.) than probably in the rest of their history, since Construct appeared. Then there are other open source projects that openly aim to simply be an open source clone of another program. Construct isn't even that - the way its event sheet is displayed is quite different, for example, and there are additional features like subevents.
Then there's other projects like Game Develop which seem strongly inspired by Construct's way of doing things. That's fine too. This whole idea of "OMFG THEY COPIED THEM!!!1111" isn't a very good way of looking at it.
I hope this doesn't descend in to a flame war - it's been argued over before and I'll lock the post if it gets out of hand. However, Construct and MMF2 have been coexisting just fine for a couple of years now, and MMF2 remains the more popular option, so we advocates of Construct should maintain some modesty.