Ashley's Forum Posts

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  • And this still hasn't fixed the pagination problem... whenever I search for something, I can't see more than the first page of search results

    Hmm, not sure about why that would happen, but you might be hitting the search flood limit, which was 15 seconds. I've reduced it to 5 seconds for registered users, so if you wait a moment, then try again, it ought to work. Kinda dumb if it counts separate pages as individual searches though.

    The only negative to this upgrade at the moment is that the breadcrumbs seem to have been changed.

    I noticed that too, but I've learnt the hard way that in order to preserve sanity, if phpBB does something a bit weird that isn't essential, just shrug and move on. I think we'll get used to it, there are still links to the main forum index. Also, I do like Quick Reply

  • Don't try to change the system volume setting! This is incredibly annoying for users. Users on headphones could suddenly get an ear-ringing blast if you automatically set the volume up high. Find some other way of fixing it, you don't want to set the Windows volume!

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  • Lo and behold, we're now on phpbb 3.0.8.

    Some positive changes that seem to have been thrown in:

    • 'View your posts' in the nav bar allows you to view a list of threads you've posted in, which is a nice quick way to catch up on threads you're involved in (they highlight when new replies are made).
    • There's a 'quick reply' option at the end of most threads now, so you don't have to browse to a separate page to reply.
    • There are RSS feeds for the board, forums, and threads, which if your browser supports it, will show a feed icon and allow you to subscribe.
    • We were being overrun by spambots, and the hard work of the mods has saved most of you from seeing them (thanks guys). I've switched the signup captcha to PeopleSign which is an image matching captcha instead of "read the really garbled text" - hopefully this will defeat the march of the spambots.

    If there are any problems, or, hell, any cool new features I've missed, be sure to let me know.

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  • OK, you should be editor now.

  • Your graphics card probably defaults to using some kind of filtering or lossy image compression, probably on the assumption it improves performance in 3D games, but this is bad for the picture editor.

    I think you'll have to look through your graphics card settings, and see if you can find any settings relating to texture compression (should be none) or filtering... otherwise, best to contact your graphics card maker and ask them, I'm afraid (tell them it's a DirectX picture editor).

  • Linux beats windows and mac in every category.

    User interface? Market share?

  • We used to have one, and it got nearly no activity, so it got merged in to Help & Tech Support. I think it's best just to go ahead and post there.

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  • Haha Arima's right, I had to stop myself going to admin control panel -> delete user and all posts O_o

  • There have been a few reports of users getting "exceeded maximum number login attempts" messages while using the forum. I suspect this is a new breed of spambots attempting to seize control of existing user accounts, to bypass the new user registration.

    Basically, there's not a lot we can do against this, but the forum adds a captcha if you fail a login too many times, which probably makes it impractical for bots if a secure password is used.

    So make sure you're using a secure password. Any single word used as a password, especially if it can be found in a dictionary, is insecure, because those are the ones bots will try to guess first. Check you're using a password that's a mix of letters and numbers, at least 8 characters long, and ideally doesn't contain words. For example, if you remember the phrase "three people met in a pub and had two drinks each", take the first letter and use numbers, and you have a nice easy-to-remember secure password: 3pmiapah2de. A bot won't guess that

    (Don't be a dummy and

    actually use that example, though...!)

    Hopefully if everyone double checks or changes their password, we won't see any accounts being hijacked. We haven't spotted any hijacks just yet, but it's worth being cautious. Don't forget to report any posts which appear to be automated or spam. Thanks!

  • I know the lack of updates is frustrating, but Davo and I are both in the final year of our university courses. There's plenty to do. This is a part-time volunteer project. If you like, you can donate to help us out!

    Also, to put things in context a bit, it's been 3 months since the last update - sometimes the big guys don't release updates for a year or more!