Ashley's Forum Posts

  • Edit: Thats weird, maybe i missundertood, but it doesnt work for me the clicks in paralax layers.

    I thought I fixed this, can you post a .capx where it doesn't seem to be working?

  • Download Construct 2 public preview 43

    Link to release 42

    New this build: time scaling and five new behaviors!

    Time scaling is as per Classic. If you haven't used it before, you can create slow motion effects by setting the time scale to 0.5 (half speed). It's also great for making a pause function - set the time scale to 0 and everything stops, but events are still running.

    A new time scaling feature for C2 is you can set individual object's time scales. For example, you can have the entire game go in to super-slo-mo (time scale 0.2), and keep your player on normal time (time scale 1.0). The whole world is going slow but you can run round at full speed!

    Four of the new behaviors are pretty straightforward, but there's also the custom movement. This is a fairly basic version of the Classic one but hopefully should cover essential features. I'm afraid it's also not well tested - Davo wrote the original in Classic so I'm not familiar with the code, and haven't tried everything out yet. Try it out and let me know if you have any problems or if there are glaring omissions.

    Here's a little demo using the custom movement to make an asteroids type space movement: custom movement demo.

    Image editor on the way, honest!


    • [Feature] Time scaling. New system actions: Set time scale, Set object time scale, Restore object time scale. New system expression 'wallclocktime', which is the game time unaffected by any time scaling that may have happened (the ordinary 'time' expression increments at a different rate if the time scale is not 1.0). New object expression 'dt' to return dt at the object's own time scale.
    • [Add] 'Custom movement' behavior. Trimmed down version of the Classic behavior.
    • [Add] 'Scroll To' behavior, which automatically scrolls to an object. If added to multiple objects, it scrolls to the mid-point of all those objects (the average of their positions). Also has a 'Shake screen' action.
    • [Add] 'Destroy outside layout' behavior, which simply destroys the object if it leaves the layout area.
    • [Add] 'Bound to layout' behavior, which stops the object leaving the layout area.
    • [Add] 'Wrap' behavior, as per Classic, makes objects reappear on the opposite side of a layout when they leave.
    • [Add] Array: 'For Each element', as per Classic
    • [Fix] Previewing with Firefox sometimes opened different tabs with "C:\Documents", "and", "settings\..."
    • [Fix] Error messageboxes during export/preview sometimes opened under the main window which was confusing - now they're always on top
    • [Fix] Mouse object: detecting clicks/mouseovers on objects on a parallaxing layer did not work
    • [Fix] Using shift+enter to write a multiline comment didn't expand the comment to be big enough to fit all the text
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  • If you can't do it by the ordinary IRenderer methods, the only thing I can think of to do is then call IRenderer::GetDevice() which returns a IDirect3DDevice9* (but returns a void* in the SDK so you don't need the headers). Then you'll need the full August 2008 DirectX SDK (IIRC). Using the device directly is tricky since the runtime expects to have full control over it - make sure you restore any settings you change.

  • Doesn't strike me as unusual! "Construct is a program that makes games", "We make games with Construct"...

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  • so if you start making a project in HTML5, you won't be able to choose a different runtime/exporter later?

    You will be able to change exporters with existing projects. Going from Canvas to a WebGL exporter should be totally seamless, because WebGL supports all of Canvas' features and more, but going the other way would need some work on your project.

    Someone from Mozilla responded to Microsoft's remarks today: ... -platform/

    In short, they seem to say: adding new features always exposes new components to possible attack - WebGL is nothing special, and it can be made robust against attacks over time anyway. (Also, they point out D3D support is in Silverlight so would have the same security problems in theory!)

    I'm more convinced Microsoft are just reluctant to support OpenGL.

  • Umm... there are loads of "coming soon" websites like this on the internet... what's special about this one?

  • Did you use the single-pipe | for bitwise or, or double-pipe || for logical or?

    || only ever returns true or false so if you use it on flags it won't work, you'll just get 1 or 0 back...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • They neglect to specify that the majority of that userbase is IE6 and below.

    Not any more - it's mostly IE8. You can check browser stats at StatCounter global stats. It's changing relatively rapidly (for the industry - i.e. over a period of months) these days.

    There's no point exporting to WebGL when you could export to Canvas like C2 does already and also get IE9+ users covered (who will be the majority of IE users at some point in the future). So that kind of makes WebGL not very useful compared to Canvas, for us. I suppose we could still add a WebGL exporter, but who would make a large project in WebGL when it could reach more people as a Canvas?

    I think the best thing to do would be to somehow edit a Canvas and WebGL project in parallel, and if a platform supports WebGL it will use that, but if not it will fall back to Canvas. That means your game would also have to work with Canvas-only features though (e.g. no colour tint, no shaders, no Z elevation or 3D stuff, etc...) which means extra work supporting both featuresets in your project.

    I think that's the best plan to go for in future...

  • DravenX: Are you sure the virus came through WebGL and not some other browser flaw? How are you certain it was WebGL? I've never heard of such a serious bug in WebGL - most of the security articles state the worst it can do is reboot your computer or steal a screenshot.

  • I've read about this and I'm a bit confused: java applets have always been able to use OpenGL, so these security concerns should be nothing new. If they're an issue, they should always have been an issue with Java applets, but nobody seems to have minded until now. Microsoft have been under pressure to implement WebGL, and they seem to have highlighted these concerns as reasons to not implement WebGL, when I guess the real reason is they don't want to support anything OpenGL related. This is frustrating, because obviously WebGL support would be great for Construct 2 - the exporter could match Classic's features, shaders and all, in a browser.

    Google have been working on JebGL ( to bring WebGL support to Internet Explorer via a Java applet. We could use that, but then it defeats the whole point of having a plugin-free system. A quick Google showed that Java support is on about three-quarters of machines on the internet, so support is still OK. Surely there are going to be some compatibility issues though.

    It's still very early days so obviously we're still going to stick to good ol' canvas (which IE9 does very well), but in future we might develop a WebGL/JebGL exporter more as an experiment than part of the product, just to see how it works. For 2D games, WebGL doesn't add much more than just eye candy, and given the support isn't so good, it doesn't seem worth it right now.

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