arcalaus's Forum Posts

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    There is no need to include a .capx for this issue.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a text object and an xml object.

    2. Create an event to set text.

    3. As new text, type this expression: XML.Stringvalue("div/text()").

    Observed result:

    4. "text" is changed into "Text". Since XML tags are case-sensitive, this could produce undesired results.

    Also, when you type common words beginning by common property names, autocompletion changes the names (I.E. write "Navigate to" and press space to continue writing. "to" is changed into "tokenat").

    Expected result:

    Autocomplete should not affect words after an odd number of quotes.

    I guess you'll fix this in a couple hours!

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 version:

    Construct r128 for x64

  • Nice game. The well-designed levels are impressive.

  • Hi!

    I've done a small jigsaw puzzle using Construct. I want to show it here:



    The source allows adding additional images by changing the XML. The change can be done in the server (without re-compiling), but to do so you have to touch the "offline.appcache" file (I use to change the version comment, but adding some text at the end could work).

    I have used the unofficial "canvas" plugin. Otherwise I had put the file in the arcade.

  • Ok, I'll turn into php... bye, bye, offline app!

    Also if I want to add an image each day (my project is a jigsaw puzzle), must I re-create the manifest?

    That could be affordable for a standard html5 app (i.e. a php script would make a new manifest each day), but not for a chrome app.

  • In small websites you use images you store at flickr, picasa, etc.

    In other websites you use open images at wikipedia and similar sites.

    Is there a way to use external images for sprites and/or backgrounds in your games?

    Sprite "Load image from url" works only on your site or XSS enabled sites.

    Browser "Download" writes the image in the downloads folder of browser, where you can't access it.

    I don't want to make a Php script to serve external images as faked server images.

    Any idea?

  • I made a labrynth generator, but it is slow.

    Somewhere in the net I saw this nice approach:

    -make random "rooms" appear in the map.

    -Then connect rooms with paths.

    Giving a number to each room, shuffling it and making paths to connect all rooms should be easy.

    That's the place where I found this idea:

  • OK, I've searched again my sources and I found a definition of window["cr_getC2runtime"]. I guess something in the plugin stop that line from being interpreted. I wonder why the substitution of cr_ for cr. in the source made my project work, not only as standard html5 but as chrome extension, too.

    I have checked with another project I had exported in the past and it seems to work with just 4 typeset exceptions, so the wrong part should be in the plugin. In the new project, I see no functions defined as "cr.getC2runtime", so I guess they do nothing and return null. How could my hand-edited project work?

    I used many nested "Pick all" conditions. Could it mix something?

    Just in case you want to compare how they run, here they are:

    1) my "Jigsaw Puzzle", as originally compiled:

    2) my "Jigsaw Puzzle", cr_ substituted by cr.

    I just tested both and now both of them run. I wonder how or why.

  • Please notice this applies to Chrome export also, and maybe to other exporters (I've tried node export and that does not work for me, but I can't see debug messages).

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  • I just found a general exporter bug in r126. Take a look just in case this bug has something to do with it.

    I is simply "cr.functionname" being replaced with "cr_functionname" in index.html, causing runtime exceptions.

  • I include a solution

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    (any other capx would work)

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. export file. Minified or unminified script.

    2. try to run it

    Observed result:

    black screen in browser it does not run. "cr_createruntime" not found


    Manually search and replace "cr_" for "cr." in index.html.

    Expected result:

    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Construct 2 version:


  • I just noted my cs2runtime.js is empty, so this is definitively a bug.

  • Hi!

    I have an application that runs fine, but crashes when exported to Web app or Chrome. I don't know if it is a bug or it is something in my app.

    The javascript error displayed is "cr_createRuntime' undefined".

    My construct version is r126 (64-bit).

    I'm using the canvas plugin. Does anyone know if this canvas uses to crash?



  • OK, I followed the way of adding an invisible object pinned to the first. But now I have to fight another difficulty:

    See my sample file at

    When you drag a piece near to the right neighbour, the neighbour is pinned to it, BUT:

    1) You can't drag the neighbour to move the block to another piece, since the neighbour is "pinned" and inmovable (i.e. you can only drag the piece you moved first).

    2) When you drag another piece to the block of pinned (stuck together) pieces, you cause some pieces break apart from the block and pin the new piece (instead of adding the new piece to the block).

    Any Idea?

  • (Topic edited: was "Select two objects of same type, how?". See below)


    Continuing with my jigsaw game, I want to test if a piece is near a consecutive piece, and then align them and pin them.

    In Visual Basic, I would select CurrentPiece and Piece(Piece(CurrentPiece.LogicalX,LogicalY+1) and then, if they are "close" according to a given tolerance, I would align them and pin them.

    But I don't know how to do this in Construct. If I do a "Select All" and then look for the left piece with a condition (Compare Instance Variable LogicalY=StoredLogicalY, Compare Instance Variable LogicalX=StoredLogicalX-1), I lost the focus on the original piece. How can I recover the focus so I can pin the first (lost focus) piece with the new one?


    I can't cast a "Piece pin to Piece"

    Maybe I should add an invisible object, pin it to the first and then pin it to the other one?

  • : I thinked about using canvas (indeed I installed canvas and ImageTextOnSprite at the same time), but, as that lacked some "sprite" conditions, I gave up from using it.

    I passed over the possibility of using a drag and drop behaviour.