arcadesindo's Forum Posts

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  • > Will rep/profile views/join date all be reset as well? I imagine that kind of stuff isn't at the top of y'all's priority list, but still kinda sad to see it all go away if it does

    Join dates now fixed, rep will require more thought.

    wohoo it's back! thank you Tom

    btw, idk why I can't open the first page of this thread, something went wrong it said

  • Heh, I joined in 2011. Now I'm a proud new member since 2018 :D

    probably it feel like a reincarnation xD

  • Will rep/profile views/join date all be reset as well? I imagine that kind of stuff isn't at the top of y'all's priority list, but still kinda sad to see it all go away if it does

    same with me, joined with scirra at 2014, and now it's set to 2017 in here.

  • Should all be up and running now.

    it's up now, but there's "404 - File or directory not found."

    even C2 259, the problem also same with others.

  • nothing left?

    Server Error in '/' Application.

    Invalid object name 'dbo.phpbb_privmsgs_to'.

    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

    Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.phpbb_privmsgs_to'.

  • It's really gone now, nothing left in, site down, missing manuals, tutorials, and more.

  • Now it's completely gone :(

    no it's not, the release page is still available

  • these plugin cannot be used anymore, link outdate Kyatric

  • Hello cranberrygame I'm curious why your Localnotification couldn't be used?

    I'm using Canvas+, and have tried with all of these installed plugins, of course in sequence.

      1. com.github.michael79bxl.cordova.plugin.local-notification => App Crash when trigger notification 2. cocoon-plugin-notifications-android-local => Nothing happened when trigger notification and waiting for a while 3. cordova-plugin-local-notification ( ... ons#readme) => Also nothing happened when trigger notification and already waiting for a while
  • Does this plugin still can be used for now? Josek5494

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Waiting for this one Josek5494 !

  • Why I can't login to photon dashboard? it always say that Captcha answer cannot be empty, but I cannot find any captcha box here :/

    Its fixed now

  • How about using Sprite on created condition then?

  • Right, so this is working well, except I have an issue.

    The array is checking for the Sprites UID and changing the array as necessary but, if there's more than one instance of the sprite it is not making multiple array changes.

    So I can have 5 of the same sprites on the screen, move them around and watch the array changing accordingly, but it's only changing for the first instance of the sprite. The rest are ignored.

    Any suggestions?


    Instead of using UID, why don't you use instance variable?