AR TeamOne's Forum Posts

  • Is the memory system used much different than Construct's? e.g., layout by layout loading. I mostly use a single layout for my game for my custom levels, but I have a lot of "storage" layouts, so I use the system action "load layout X images into memory" to load the ones I need all at once.


  • I would like to be answer to this question I have for you guys team Construct >>> How did I get in contact with the Chowdren team to export my project to diferent consoles !? I've email to Chowdren a dozens times but I get no answer at all>> I need to get in contact with them>> and I mean business !!! God bless you Team Chowdren !!!

  • UberDroid its there anyway for us to work with your Capx just for learned purpose about the 3D in C2.

    Do you have that Capx for the public in Construct2.


  • Can you send Capx !!!! it will help all of us fans of mode7 !!!

  • A link please !!!

  • SketchyLogic I just did that like 3 months ago the checkpoint things and that's the only thing that works for now, cause the bullet behavior and the car behavior just don't work at all, I tried to come with something like for a month using the car and bullet behavior but nothing did work >>> My question was because I thought that someone from this forum came with something different to run the Npc's but it seems that the Mode7 has been abandon , The Problem I have with the checkpoints strategy its that I cannot run the Npc's in the same box as I'm running my main player, plus I have to make the collisions and damage to other cars to my main character via the main screen and not from the sandbox player>>> I'm sorry if any of missundertood anything I wrote>>> Thank you SketchyLogic !!

  • I just need to work with NPC's in the same sand box>>> any tips !!!

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    Ok Kid !!! God bless you !!!

    and Remember kid my Video Game its on a Nintendo Console !!!! What about you ??? still talking on this forum !!! jajajaja >> Get to work !!! If you want to be on the History of Video Game specially for the Mother of all Video Games >>> NINTENDO <<<

    Be Wise !!! Work Hard and don't lose your time talking on the forums spreading hate !!!!

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    Ok Kid !!!! whatever !!!! like if I care !!!! None of you are helping me on my Projects so why should I regreit kid !!!

    God bless you kids !!! and remember work hard with your hand and brains and don't use your mouth or the internet to Spread hate and Evil >>> bye bye ,,,, Here's my game on the Nintendo eShop >>>

    Grow up !!!!!

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    AnD4D it seems you are the real ignorant here !!! Just in case you don't know how to read, Just remember this >>>

    I was the one who recorded more than 45 Video Clips for that trailer and second I was the one who give them the music for that trailer too >>> so just think about before you talk Ignorances !!! Jajajaa I offered them half of the money so they could send me half of the Lowbudget Trailer<<< Read !!! my friend just read !!!! its not that hard to understand !!!!

    and to make you more Ignorant just bring me a One Team Solo Developer who has Created a video game with more than 47 Levels of gameplay with an Overworldmap with 5 different worlds and 4 extrabonus levels with antigravity mechanics and to be his first ever game to create for a Big Company like Nintendo !!! and all that with a CERO BUDGET HARD WORK <<<

    Remember something all of you who are hating on me >>> I just created a Video game for a Nintendo Console !!! and you didn't !!! why so much Hate my friends !!! Cmon I dare just to bring at least a Galaga clone to a Video Game Console >>>

    Nintendo of Japan are the responsible for my game to be on a Nintendo Console so that means they played my Video Game before they let it to be on sale in the Nintendo eShop>>> My game went International and my Video Game it is on the List of all of Nintendo Game and that's what it matters to me

    I got a question for you kid >>> What do you know about Developing a Video Game for a Nintendo Console or any other Triple AAA Console >> Please don't try to be a clown with me cause halloween its over !!! If you haven't created a video game please don't talk kid... I just make a Dream Come True by Developing a Video Game for a Triple AAA Company !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haters are Losers !!!! Work Hard my friend so you can get away from those hating Traumas .

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    I'm trying to be nice but this fake people makes me angry because its not fair to be judge by a real thief,,, its just not fair , the only thing this fake people knows its talk hate and lies about us the real developers, the don't know how hard is to create and developed a video game, they just don't know how many years took me to release my game on a Nintendo console, they don't know anything about hard work, Tehy don't know what its like to be a One person Developing a Video Game for Nintendo, The only thing they know its just to sit on a chair and talk bulls__t about the developers and the game industry, They are just evil people who's life depends on Lies and hate to the Video Game Industry,,, I bet they don't know how hard it is for us to developed a game... Shame on all of those Haters and Liars that aren't helping the game Industry. they are just Losers for life !!!

    But meanwhile I'll be here working hard on my next Video Games on Developed.

    God bless you all and please stop the hate. He's the real thief,,,,




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    Yes I agree to pay them !!! But at the last moment they dint want to send the final trailer SO I said to them forget about the trailer If you don't trust in me then I won't trust in you either way >> That was all !!! end of the deal !!! Do you see any DRAMA by not buying a low budget trailer That I did recorded 43 CLIPS videos for that trailer PLUS I give them the music too for the trailer ;) !!!! what do you think !!!??? it was a $50 dollars trailer with the Videos and the Music I sent to them>>> what do you think my friend ??? at least I think deserved to used a demo version of that low budget trailer at least for less than 24 Hours at the launch day of my game on June 1 <<< Why so much Drama with game ??? Could that be hate ??? Why people don't say nothing about this liar scumbag rgt85Thief the one who has Two video about how to Hack a PSP To Play Games Illegally and for free >>> Doesn't that make you a Thief robing from Game Developers and Play their games for free on a Hack SoftMod Console !?!?!?!??? Waaaooo Shame on you for life by robing from game Developers>>>

    Could you please people answer me a Question people >>> If you SoftMod or Hack a Video Game console Illegally to Play Free Games, Doesn't that make you a Thief ?????

    Just give me a little answer before you talk nonsense about a Trailer that I did created the Video Clips and give them the Music TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! Heeeere's a video about a Real Thief !!! A real thief showing you how to Mod and Hack a video game console to play free gamessssssss !!!! Be my guest !!! God bless you all. Please don't be a Thief by Hacking a Video Game Console>>> Just don't do it !!! Stop Thievery rgtscumbag85THIEF and liar !!!!

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    Jajajaaa what a Joke !!! do you know that there are evil people in this world that are envious about the work and the achievments you made !!! same happened to Nintendo and many others companies >>> Did you know that the biggest companies of video game HAVE BEEN SUED because of "thievery" !!! Go ahead and see the video !!! I'm just a simple game developer that for being honest with people they tried to throw dirt to my game, That's all my friend !! read before you judge, God bless you !!! ;) Did you know that the one who tried to throw mod to my game is the one who is stealing from video game developers>> go and see some of his video on youtube so you can learn how to MOD Consoles and Steal from us the Game Developers, Here's the proof , If you Hack or Mod any Console just to play free games and then Put a video on YouTube or anywhere else on the Internet showing how to do it then you are Stealing from that Company , Here's the proof on these videos ,,,

    <Haters are Losers<< Go on Ahead and watch two of his videos<<< :) Video down below its about the Nintendo been sued by other companies

    Same goes for Shigeru Miyamoto they are hating on him and lying about him too

    And Remember I'm still Developing Coqui The Game and that's what matters to me!!!

    Some people think that it was easy to get my game into the Nintendo the mother of all video games!!!

    it is a pleasure for me and I'm proud to have my game on a Nintendo console !!!


    a One person Developer

  • gametechy2018 >> Did you get to move around an NPC smoothly on MODE7 !? I just did but problem is that I can't map the NPC on the same box with collisions the one I just created for the Player 1 >>> but I just cannot map the NPC on the Mode7 map and make it move around smoothly only with moves -Y , +Y , -X, +X .

    more later I think I'll show some Pics or some videos so you fans of the Mode7 can see what I meant.

    I almost got the recipe I just need to put the objects inside the collission box and at the same time for them to show on screen in pair with the player 1.

    Let make it Mode7 !!!!

  • RojoHound

    Could you do an example capx of how to create an NPC that runs in Mode7 !!! Can you do it for all of us Fans of the Mode7 for Construct2 !!!

    We will be grateful for an eternity with you !!!