Aphrodite's Forum Posts

  • Also we need a better forum structure on support, now is just a mess tbh. I recommend a few sticky topics which will help a lot in How do i?


    a) Best practices for html 5 web development (performance and proper coding structure)

    b) same but for mobile

    c) same but for mobile web html 5 (this is one is a pain) here are some looses in performance sometimes that make no sense. Of course its mostly related to young browser and canvas2d, but sometimes i feel lost and there very few answers on the forum, beside the common sense tips. Example: Canvas manipulation on Safari doesnt work well (or maybe i am doing it wrong), no full screen trigger on Safari, tips on how to fill the browser screen, stuff like that. Performance tips and so on.

    Perhaps also something that the community itself can edit in complement with that(like a wiki, maybe less formal), and also maybe a topic with people that are willing to test on their devices to eventually help people

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  • Thanks for you quick awnser ^^

  • I was wondering if the low quality setting shouldn't be off only on smaller displays than the window size, since I think it will take more memory than high quality for nothing in that special case (images aren't resized at a lower res in this mode)

  • time expression is clocked in seconds from the start of the game.

    OnStart of game

    var time_start;

    var time_end = time + 60;

    durring game play

    if(time_end < time) do end game stuff

    Please don't use dt as part of anykind of timing measure. dt is used for animation to keep animation to time step the same. As an example

    move 100px per second.

    object.x + 100 * dt; this will break up the 100 to that of only a fraction of the 60fp1second. However dt shuoldn't be used a timer keeper as dt is not really a timer.

    when you increase a variable each tick by dt, it'll be incremented of 1 each seconds, this is what defines dt, so it works, I agree however that the time expression is better in that case

  • I feel like I'm making too many posts haha but the answers I'm after weren't in the manuals.

    Simple concept. I want to make an enemy and then be able to ctrl+drag clone them all over my platform for really easy level building but the problem I'm running in to is they all have the same global variable and when one dies they all die.. Hero's best case scenario but programmers worst nightmare.

    Any thoughts?

    thank you.


    Instances variables are what you are looking for, Just create it for your ennemy, and use it instead of a global variable

  • 7Soul well it's not too hard once you know the formulas. I copied them off someone else in another thread

    I might add:

    dB = -log10(100 / Scale) * 33.2 = log10(Scale/100)*33.2 I prefer the second one since you see directly that scale and dB have their increase and decrease related

    also You forgot one thing.. 0, you have to take care of the 0%, since I think it is possible that C2 does a math error (log(0) does not exist)

    EDIT: from where does that 33.2 comes from, I've always wondered?

  • I don't think it would be that difficult at compilation of an exported construct 2 game, to substitute names of global variables, arrays, dictionaries, instance variables, and other such items with randomly generated 4 character base-36 names (1,679,616 theoretically possible different names).

    Since array and dictionnaries can load from external files (you can also load the webstorage inside a dictionnary), I don't think it would be wise to minify that

  • Aphrodite

    I really would prefer the method that you mentioned since it seems to be the most cleanest way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish. But it seems I can't call the function on C2 using the execute javascript(), or I think I'm doing it wrong, which is probably the case if it is possible.

    Here's an image of what I just tried:

    EDIT***** I did put a semicolon in the execute javascript command for the function, I foregot to update image.

    I think this is what the function is doing:

    does a function call to receive two functions, "success and failure" which is linked to two buttons in the sdk ("yes button" and "no button". When yes is clicked it does a call to the success function. The same success function sent to the fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(). When no is clicked it does a call to the failure function.

    Here's the pseudo:

    fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(function onSuccess,function onFailure)


    It does work in general but I can't seem to get it working with fgl's function calls. Could be due to my lack of javascript knowledge. Which wasn't that great to begin with.

    Here's an image of what I just tried:

    Is it not working because it can't find this.premium? since it was executing from fgl's sdk? I could post the error I get from google chrome from both examples, if it helps anyone understand the problem.

    I am wrong I think concerning the function calling, It doesn t seems to be as easy as that(we would have to know if it is possible to call a function in execute javascript), but I still think that if it is possible, it would be the best way to do it (it could help in that kind of case when people have to use a execute javascript for the API)

    Sadly I don t know how to do this

  • you 'd have to add a System>For each Evil condition for this to work (not sure it is the best way to do it, since it can make a lot of calculs if there is a lot of evil and hero))

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    Yeah, I Get It! It's Illegal But In The End Scirra Is Not Suffering Any Loss And For Few Bucks, The Formalities And Paperwork Is Not Worth It! But Happy Ending As Scirra Is Also Happy And Developer Is Happy Too! He Should'nt Have Done That! :/

    I have just one tiny question for you: What if you don't suceed enough to pay the license? you still used it after all, even if you didn't suceed.

    Also piracy is bad, sure, he paid it after, but scirra didn't get paid in between the usage and the profit, and that is bad.

    anyway, scirra has chosen their conditions, accept it or don't use it, it's as simple as that.

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    You are right, its not an easy task.

    I originally thought of translating the .js from the compile time, but that would be too difficult.

    Instead i started looking at the .xml files and found that they were quite easy to understand in terms of logic progression.

    Everything the the program needs to know is in the game.caproj, the layouts.xml and eventsheets.xml.

    The program goes through each file looking for particular crucial pointers and writes the necessary code into the framework.

    What you have to understand is that i'm not directly taking .capx files and magic them into native code. I'm taking the .capx files and converting them into the code of the framework, which then converts the code into native.

    that's nice!

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    He shouldn't have done that, Personnal licenses are not for dogs as they say. He was not in term with the license, he was wrong, do not do it, if you need to make money in any kind of way with C2, buy a personnal license, it is cheaper and same feature, just limited on commercial profit you can make (at most 5000$, the buisiness license is 500$ so it's fine).

    I do not care about if he think it is fine, it isn't fine, it is not respecting the license he agreed by using C2.

    EDIT: I also find this disrespectful to every legit C2 user that struggle to make money

  • I never found a way to post an array with BBcode for now, or I think it could be good for 2 reasons:

    1: to post things inside an array

    2: when you have to explain some events, a 2 columns array with lists inside could emulate well the conditions on one side/ actions on the other side

    Just a little suggestion, as I saw it on some forum, I though it might be helpful in this case yet not too hard to implement.

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    Just out of curiosity, from where did you had the knowledge to do that? I mean, it doesn't seems to be an easy task, to translate a capx informations into native (I might be wrong but I don't think).

  • Naji : by using the event system you are more into the developer aspect, when you think about how to make a game, what it should be for the player to enjoy it, you are more a game designer, when you design levels, more into level design.

    It is up to you to try and see more what you think you are