andreyin's Forum Posts

  • Sorry to bump, but I've been looking into this and haven't found a good way to do it..

    Anyone know how can I achieve something like this? It would be pretty cool if I could use something like

    "This is a [red]test[/red]"

    or maybe

    "This is a"&spritefont.offset+value"test"

    I haven't looked into it enough but any clues as how to achieve that would be deeply appreciated!

  • Maybe it would be possible to use Pode's HTML Pack and have an offscreen iframe or something? Then you'd just have to set it to autoplay songs from the embeded iframe.

  • You could try having all the objects on the same family, then pick topmost from that family.

    Something like

    [Pick topmost from family]

    |-[if Object is clicked] - Something happens

  • You have to install "Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Phone 8" exactly. I also went through that, had to install almost 4 versions before finally figuring it out.

    Apparently each VS version is for a completely different thing.

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  • Does the "post to Twitter OR Facebook" modal work if the screenshot option is on? In here, if I try to share the link nothing happens.. Am I using it wrong or something?

    Edit: Also just bumped onto the Highscore bug too, apparently it only works when I'm previewing my game for some reason.. when I host it on Dropbox, it says that there are no highscores yet.

  • Not sure if you saw it already but there's a plugin for that by rexrainbow already out:

  • Hello there,

    My name is Andre Chagas and I'm currently looking for freelance opportunities programming/designing C2 games. I'm also a 2D pixel artist.

    You can check my portfolio at . You can also check my biggest project so far, Dreaming Sarah, at .

    If you're instered, send me an email.

    (art and programming by me)

    (art by 2dchaos, programming by me)

    (art by Douglas Feer, animation by me)

    (art and programming by me)

    (art and programming by me)

    (art and programming by me)

    (art and programming by me, starfield plugin port by gigatron)

  • Sent a DM! :)

  • Is this still working? I tried your .capx but it only shows a white screen with "scores" written on it, never asks me to log in or anything.

    Edit - Oops, forgot to change the AppID key. Haha.

    Edit again - It's working now but I can't figure out how to make a leaderboard with it. Is there way I can load all the scores for that game? I couldn't find anything like it..


  • EncryptedCow

    Nice, thanks a bunch for that! This way I can at least study it a bit before sending my games their way.


  • EncryptedCow did you get to post it? I've been searching for hours and I saw someone mentioning they were using your plugin, but couldn't find it anywhere to download..

  • blackhornet

    This program is AMAZING! I've been struggling with fonts for a long while, thanks for making this.


    On the first post there's an example, you have to set an array to load each character and set the character spacing accordingly. The example makes it so much easier.

  • PHEW, same thing happened to me and I was about to get desperate haha. Weirdly enough, it only happens when I try to create the player character.

  • The one thing that really pisses me off is the grid size bug. If you change the grid width/height and click on the layout to unselect it, it reverts back for some reason.

  • Really really awesome! Such a good concept!