andreyin's Forum Posts

  • blackhornet

    Err after some testing I still can't get what I want. Sorry, I'm really bad at math!

    This function allows me to get a -1/1 position based on the 0,0 in the canvas. I've been tweaking it to get a -1/1 position based on two objects, but I don't see how...

    Edit: Nevermind, got it. I swear I tried it before but it didn't work, tried it again now and it did...

    I used round((player.X-door.x)/abs(player.x-door.X))

  • round( X / abs(X)) will give you -1/+1.

    Nice, exactly what I needed! Thanks!

  • Hi everyone,

    This sounds simple enough but I can't find a way to get a -1/1 by comparing positions.

    For example, there's a player object, and when it collides with something I want to compare their X positions so if the object.x is > than the player.x, I get a 1 and if it's not I get a -1.

    Any idea how to achieve that? It's probably something simple but I'm stumped!


  • It should be possible using the Sprite object, AJAX object and this plugin: plugin-json-import-export-generate-edit-inspect_t100042

    Using Google's old image search API (found here ... uide?hl=en) you can use AJAX to request a link with the search, parse it through the JSON parser plugin and then get the image links that you can use on the sprite object.

  • Looks really good!

  • andreyin Hi yes interestingly Crosswalk seems to get slower as they update The Intel XDK. Also I use Crosswalk Build not the regular Android Build that is always faster onlycreates a bigger file size.

    Check out these tutorial below they will be helpful you just need to optimize your project and you should solve a lot of slowing down issues. ... bile-games ... nts/page-1

    Thanks, I'll take a look!

  • I had some trouble with this too, ended up I was installing the wrong type. When you finish compiling there should be two different versions - x86 and ARM. Be sure to install the right one.

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  • andreyin Sorry man, I didn't mean to be rude or ungrateful - yet, I was. Sorry about that!

    Yep, I already took the opportunity to speak over there, too.

    No problem, I think I came out a little strong too. I really want to see how this turns out though, please post it here if you find anything about it!

    I tried searching on their old google group about it too but apparently it's closed to the public or something. Too bad, there was a LOT of good info there...

  • Node.js is delivered within Construct 2, so I think it's not that simple.

    We're talking about credit card information here.

    What? I'm saying that Scirra doesn't actually make NW.js (nor it's bundled by default with C2 anymore).

    Your best bet is asking them directly, maybe using their Google Group.!forum/nwjs-general

    I'm not saying what you're saying is not important, but you should talk to the right people about it.

  • You should ask really.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm pretty new to Android/iOS exports using Cordova and Intel XDK. Could anyone more experienced answer me a couple of questions?

    I've tried both Phonegap and Intel XDK exports using Crosswalk, but my game is running a bit slow on both. However I've also tried and it runs great with Canvas+. I looked around and apparently there are "plugins" I can use with both Phonegap and Intel XDK that would make my game a bit faster, but I'm really confused as to if they really help and/or can be implemented with C2 games and such.

    My question is - is it possible to have my game run as fast as it runs with with Phonegap or Intel XDK? If so what should I be doing?

    My other question is what the hell is Canvas+? Is it proprietary to Or is there the same option for Phonegap/Intel XDK?

    Thanks, I'm really new to this and I've been searching around the forum but most posts aren't helpful or just tell the person who asked to search in the forum (lol).

  • It also works if you turn "unbounded scrolling" off in the project properties.

  • Bump!

    I'm once again taking freelance work. I'm open to both C2 eventsheet programming and pixel art positions.

    If interested please contact me at so I can send you my rates.

    Here's some of my latest work:

  • This plugin does it:

  • I actually try to find the music/composer first, then listen to them while working on my games.. This way I build my entire game to fit that mood, and it's less trouble to find it later.

    For instance, I listened to this song all the time when working on this game:

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