Intel XDK error on Android - App not installed

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  • I'm trying to make an Android game via XDK, but after trying to install APK on my device I get "App not installed":


    Tried on 3 different devices.

    The tutorial ( ... -crosswalk) is outdated since update and changes on Intel XDK, so I had to improvise and propably made some errors in defining a project but I have no clue what it is.


    1. In C2 I've exported game as Mobile/Cordova

    2. In XDK I've created new project

    3. In XDK I've configured Build Settings/Android-Crosswalk:

    4. In XDK in BUILD tab I've selected "Crosswalk for Android" and saved the APK on my device

    5. When I try to install this APK I'm getting error as mentioned before "App not installed".

    What I'm doing wrong?

  • I had some trouble with this too, ended up I was installing the wrong type. When you finish compiling there should be two different versions - x86 and ARM. Be sure to install the right one.

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  • chheck if you have enough space in phone ?

    some time you have space for that app but you need much more !

  • Thank you for answers. The solution for my problem was "Signed" checkbox. When i checked it there was no more problems.

  • Thank you for answers. The solution for my problem was "Signed" checkbox. When i checked it there was no more problems.

    Thank you to all who posted here as this helped me, only had C3 a couple of days lol

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