AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • I haven't made a video, but maybe my tutorial can help you. ... crosswalk/

    To see a overview of all tutorials please visit:

  • Hi,

    I made a wiki to show you how to work with Crosswalk and Intel XDK. The docs will be kept up to date.


    Troubleshooting for errors (if you know some hints to solve known issues, please let me know. Everyone who submits a hint for solving an issue will get a free Game UI copy (of your choice) from my store)

    Admob Ads (built-in plugin from Scirra)

    All tutorials are free, readable without registration and ad-free!

  • IntelRobert


    Thanks for your fast and great support! Now it works perfectly.

    All the tutorials in account of crosswalk/cranberrygame plugin's have been updated on



  • You're welcome.

    The only difference is, that the offical plugin has been developed by scirra, and the PhoneGap AdMob Plugin from cranberrygame. Both are using the same admob plugin at Intel XDK and as far as I know cranberry did work together with scirra to make the AdMob plugin.

    I'm not sure why it has stopped working. Maybe it's caused by the latest Intel XDK update or the path is just wrong. But to get clarity we need to wait for cranberrygame's respone.

    If you want to compile your game just remove the admob and/or the Game (located in the intelxdk.config.additionals.xml) plugin from Intel XDK's Third Plugin area. You just can add them later again, when all starts working again.

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  • Ok even with the updated pathes from cranberrygame it still doesn't work

    Pathes causing errors:

    Pathes causing no errors:

    So if you use one of the 2 plugins above (Game, AdMob), your crosswalk project will crash. We need to wait for cranberrygame.

  • Hi AndreasR - Sorry my ignorange, is this plugin different than ?


    Yes it's the same plugin, but this tutorial is outdated. Just check all your plugins if they are up to date and also check the readme files for the plugin pathes. I will update all tutorials on

  • Looks like Mr. Cranberry has updated his tutorial with new admob plugin settings. Still not working for me though.


    If you use PhonegapGame you need also change the path. See the post above.

  • Hi,

    The problem isn't the admob plugin. cranberrygame just has moved it from the cordova page to github. The updated tutorial can be found here.

    Tutorial: ... document-3

    Just scroll down till the last step.

    This changes has come with update from 1.0.68 to 1.0.69.

    You can download the latest plugin here:

    or here: plugin-phonegap-related-c2-plugins-crosswalk_t109586

    Also the PhonegapGame plugin has changed his path.

    Check here: ... amecenter/ (Step 4)

    Download latest plugin here:

    Then the error vanishs.

  • You can restrict it to a box or circle. Arbitrary shapes are quite a bit more complicated. Here's how to restrict to a circle:

    global number dist=0
    global number ang=0
    joystick is dragging
    --- set dist to distance(joystick_panel.x, joystick_panel.y, joystick.x, joystick.y)
    --- set ang to angle(joystick_panel.x, joystick_panel.y, joystick.x, joystick.y)
    --- joystick: set position to joystick_panel
    --- joystick: move max(75, dist) at angle ang[/code:17m4tx50]
    Just change 75 to the max distance you want the joystick to go.
    To make the player move according to the joystick you likely can do it by comparing the x positions of joystick and joystick_panel, or even as a sub event of "is dragging" and use the ang variable.

    Thanks works perfect


    Thanks for your example

  • Hi,

    I want to built a kind of a joystick to move my player.

    I have created to sprites, one is the dragable stick and the second is the area where the joystick should be movable (horizontally only).

    Joystick with area


    Here is the capx file


    Do anybody know how to bound the dragable element on the sprite area? So it can only be dragged to the edges of the area sprite?

    And if it's dragged to the left, the player should move left. If it's dragged right, he should move right.

    Thanks for your help!

  • AndreasR

    Probably this was caused by Admob SDK FPS issue.

    Fix by following:

    fix Admob SDK FPS issue: go to your AdMob account and disable text banners, leaving enabled only image banners. (provided by Cipriux)

    If only text banner is also stable too, selecting one of them (text or image) will be a solution.


    Hi cranberrygame

    I already tried that, but it's the same result than before.

    The FPS still drops from 60 to 40.

  • Problem Description

    I've greated a game with Crosswalk and I'm using the build-in admob plugin from scirra to load my ads. At Crosswalk I'm using the Plugin from cranberrygame.

    I've integrated a toggle button to toggle of the banners. Then the FPS goes up to ~60. Then I turned the banner back on and the FPS drops to ~40

    Attach a Capx

    I can't attach the whole cpax file but here is the ads part.


    Description of Capx

    I'm using a variable to allowing the player to switch ads on or off. If ads are on a banner ad will be shown (top or bottom).

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Download the game here: ... signed.apk
    • Click/touch on the little setting icon and turn 'Debug Mode' and 'Ads' on.
    • Click on the X or on the setting icon again to close the panel. Then click 'start game' and choose the level 1
    • Now the FPS will be shown at the left bottom corner (Note: text ads are fine, only rich-media Ads are causing this FPS drops. Just toggle 'ads' on and off again till a rich media ad is shown.
    • Click Pause and go back to menu. Now switch only 'ads' off and start again the first level. And the FPS are back at ~60.

    Screen Shots



    Observed Result

    FPS drop from 60 to 40 when rich media banners are shown. Text ads are fine

    Expected Result

    Game should be stable at 60 FPS

    Affected Browsers

    • Android APK

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1 64 Bit

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r185 Beta

  • AndreasR

    Seems great.


    But says:

    We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.

    Let me know the exact url again.

    Link is working now

  • My first game with Crosswalk and the great plugins from has been released as early beta.


    Used Plugins:

    Game isn't finished yet, so feel free to say what you think and what i can improve. Also how the performance is on your device (and which device you've used to test it).

  • Thanks for your reply, that's all I need to know Then I'll keep the SpriteFonts. Thanks!