AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Hello guys,

    I want to add a function to my game checking on the start if a new version of a json file is available.

    I'm using that json file to store my dialogs. But I don't want to update my game every time I changed something to it.

    So I'm looking for a function checking on start of the layout if the file at the server is newer than the one in the project (maybe via an version ID stored in the json file or name).

    Then if the file at the server is newer it should download it and store it (localstorage or better directly on the device and replace the old one).

    The problem is I need this for an android game. I'm not sure if this will work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    Many thanks guys!

    Here is a prepared capx file, not much, but a start: ... .capx?dl=0

  • All set. I checked all the color settings in a css file that comes with the plugin and somehow missed one of them! Thank you AndreasR for your help.

    You're welcome

  • We export our Construct 2 games for android an ios using Cordova>Crosswalk> XDK. Before buying we would like to know if It would still be possible to use XDK to compile using cranberry plugin or we would need to use phongegap.

    Thanks in advance


    yes you can still use Intel XDK to complile your games

    This is supported by cranberrygame's plugins.

    Let me know if you have further questions



  • I guess it's makeable. But how, is another question.

    You will need a lot of stuff beside the c2 project (Artwork, server, server scripts, database, SSL, and so on).

    Then you must find a way to get it to mobile phones and tablets without loosing performance. Up to now this is the major problem that you will face if you would start such a project.

  • Hi! Nobody can help me?

    I've used to trigger for overlapping but when I pass on same object overlapping works again.

    I need that overlapping generate one event, others overlapping on the same object doesn't have to generate any others events.

    Have a good day

    Just add a variable 'overlapped' = 0.


    On overallping && overlapped = 0


    Set overlapped to 1



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  • Hello

    I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but I try to help you out.

    1) What do you want to achieve with the 'which' variable? It is always 1, so your code at 'which = 0' will never be called.


    Just use 'On created block' and add your actions.

  • Hello,

    that's not difficult. Just save the name in a global variable and then the global variable in the LocalStorage.

    Then you just need to load the name from the storage 'On the Start of Layout'.

    You can download an example here:



  • The documentation link provided in the even sheet doesn't seem to work for me.

    Do I need to do anything on my Google Play Developer Console for the IAP?

    I'm about to update all my Templates. Thanks for letting my know about that issue.

    Here you find the docs

  • AndreasR

    Ehmm... not is what i'm looking for, you saw my .capx example?

    This one:


    In the thread is explained what and how i need with the .capx with some things i done.

    EDIT: ALso to download the file i have to register in your web?

    Sorry I saw your file after I had finished the script. If I have some free time on the coming weekend I'll improve the example matching your example. But I can't make any promises if I get it working.

    Yes you have to register in order to download.

    Have you checked the store? There are some good capx templates for Dialogs.


  • please i need some help!!


    it's difficult to help you without seeing the whole code.

    Can you share the code (only for the function you need help) with in a single capx file?

  • matriax

    I'm not sure if this matches your need but I made an example using JSON.



  • Hi AndreasR , i saw you are "Waiting for new suggestions" but i don't know if you are still accepting and forgot editing the post.

    I'm doing a RPG game(this one and code the dialogs are a bit frustrating/complicated to do all the situations i will need. I saw a template that uses .csv but too complicated for me with a lots of events :S .

    I'm doing it with simple events using .xml actually and started a post in the help section with what i need to do and a .capx of what i have done here:


    The idea will be create a plugin/behaviour for RPG dialogs with all the needs included on you can set things like:

    Typewritter: Yes|No

    On more text: Clear|Newline


    So the idea will be that after providing/load an .xml we only have to set in the event something like:

    On colision with OldMan -> xml.StringValue("/en_lang/OldMan_dialog1")

    Or maybe if is posible only set "Oldman_dialog1" using a behaviour parameter i don't know <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"> .

    And all the logic inside the plugin/behaviour with the parameters i said to get the events sheet clean instead all full of things.

    Maybe is a bit complicated and not can be free but if you do and put on codecanyon or the scirra store i'm sure me and a lot of people will pay for it without no doubt! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> .

    Hi matriax

    I'm not a Java Developer, so I can't code any plugins.

    But maybe I can work out something in Construct 2 for you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

    I already have coded something similar. I will see what I can do for you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • Ok AndreasR , I got another one for you mate, if you think you can handle it.

    Make one(or more) examples to teach us how to make multiplayer games. For example lets say I wanted to make a game like

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    that can be played eighter over the internet or over bluetooth.

    How would I do that?

    Sounds interesting But this will take awhile I guess.

  • Just a stupid question from my side. What's wrong about the built in Jump-Thru behavior? It works fine for me

    In your code example the Function will be called every time the Space key gets pressed. So this should be fine. I'm not quite sure about the 'wait' action in the function.

    I have something in mind that wait actions in a function can cause issues. But I'm not sure about that.

    I would recommend to use following code.

    GlobalVariable: IsOnJumpThru (Or boolean for the player, is up to you)

    //This is simular to your function.

    On Function "JumpThru" (alternative: Player is on Jumping && Trigger Once While True

    • Set IsOnJumpThru to 1
    • Disable Physic Collisions for Player A
    • Disable Physic Collisions for Player B

    //Once the jump is over (when the player was landed on the platform)

    If IsOnJumpThru = 1 && Player is ladding

    • Set IsOnJumpThru to 0
    • Enable Physic Collisions for Player A
    • Enable Physic Collisions for Player B

