AndreasR's Forum Posts

  • Thank you AndreasR! I will give it a try today. I think I would never guess that it's ordered alphabetically... I really thought it's something related to purchase order or market initialization . Thanks a lot.

    Sure, you're welcome

    Just let me know if you are facing any issues then.



  • AndreasR

    Please check this image

    And also it does nothing on IOS :S

    Have you set the item active in your Google Play Developer console?

    Please open a new topic in my support forum, so it's easier for me to help you.

    Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • ### issue 2 ###

    Function: ProductTitle, ProductPrice (and other which requires Nth product parameter)

    Current situation: Require Nth product integer parameter

    Expected situation: Require Product ID string parameter (or documentation of how this should be properly used with Nth integer)

    I'm not sure whi Imanol is but I guess is someone from CocoonIO team? Could you please share the Cocoon forum issue report link here if you created any? Or should I do it?


    the docs are now updated. so you can see how you can access the expressions. ... ocument-12

    I'll also publish the new code example for construct 2, but it's not done yet.

    I'll keep you posted!

    Edit: Now the C2 example file is ready as well ...

    Please see the docs in order to run it on an android device ... readme.pdf



  • I'm on it, but issue 2 is not an issue.

    I'm writing a doc file at the moment, showing you how to access the plugin expressions. It's a little bit confusing, I have to admit that. But with the docs updated, it should be clear then.

    About issue 1, yes you are right. I already have sent a message to Imanol.

    I checked the plugin code of my own, but I couldn't find an answer why it calls the "On purchase completed" action. So I guess it's something located in the cloud plugin "InAPP for Google Play".

    I keep you posted.

  • AndreasR Please can you confirm if this tempalte works with IOS i purchased cranberry plugins - The admob are working but lunching the interstitial Ad freezes the game.

    Also the IAP plugin does not work with Android it open the google store but with item not listed error and it does nothing on IOS.

    Cranberry is not supporting any of his plugins :S


    I did test it on Android and it's working fine. Have you added your ID's to it? Can you provide some more information (device, and so on), maybe a screen shot of the purchase dialog on android

    I did update the demo, please see here: ... -armv7.apk

    Sorry I cannot confirm anything about iOS. I asked cranberrgame once and he sad it does work.

  • Hi,

    Yes you are right. It triggeres the On purchase completes trigger instead of the 'has product'. Same is with the description/title. I did use the 'on completed' and 'has product' as 'or' block, so I haven't noticed that.

    Thank you!

    I'm building a testcase for Imanol, so this can be fixed.

    I keep you posted



  • AndreasR you're the Cocoon master . Can you confirm that it works? Or you haven't tested this part?

    Yes it does

    I tested it in my Match3 game



  • It sounds like the same issue:

    On Cocoon this is causing a blackscreen as well.

    Can you try following steps?

    1) Serach for

    this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && this.isCordova && window.indexedDB);[/code:25s2gc75]
    in the c2runtime.js file and replace it with
    [code:25s2gc75]this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && !this.isCordova && window.indexedDB);[/code:25s2gc75]
    This doesn't make sense at all, but it disables the WKWebView.
  • Problem Description

    Since the update r226 (I guess) the option "Use WKWebView for iOS" was added to construct 2.

    Since that all exports (even if this option is unchecked) for iOS crashes on Cocoon,

    because the game needs the Cordova-httpd plugin.

    this.isWKWebView = !!(this.isiOS && this.isCordova && window.indexedDB);
    this.httpServer = null;
    this.httpServerUrl = "";
    if (this.isWKWebView)
        this.httpServer = (cordova && cordova["plugins"] && cordova["plugins"]["CorHttpd"]) ? cordova["plugins"]["CorHttpd"] : null;
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't this plugin be needed when the option was disabled?
    CocoonIO doesn't support this plugin
    [quote:31p1yf06]It seems that when using the WKWebview Construct2 requires the cordova-httpd plugin to be present to load the data.js otherwise it fails. Not sure why they are doing this but that plugin doesn't work in the Develop app as we read files form other directory than the main Bundle and that plugin tries to get the files from there only.
    The only fix I see that you can do is to comment that if (this.isWKWebView) block and let it load the data.js using just xhr.
    Quote by the cocoon developer Imanol
    [b]More here:[/b] [url=] ... os/2277/20[/url]
    So the only way to fix it at the moment is to add !this.isCocoonjs to avoid the crash. But this fix has to be done after each export.
    So is there a way to disable the use of the cordova-httpd plugin when the option "Use WKWebView for iOS" is unchecked? Or to implement the fix with !this.isCocoonJs?
    Thank you for your time,
    [b]Attach a Capx[/b]
    not relevant for this matter
    [b]Construct 2 Version ID[/b]
  • Thanks

    now i can compile my apps successfull

    Great news

  • The Template just was updated to work with Intel XDK 3308 and C2 r227+

    Just Download the update from your download area.



  • do you have an email i can send samples, my CV, portfolio etc?


    Just send it to contact[at]

    Thank you



  • i never succes to compiled with

    it always failed

    i had eksport the fil to cordova and compress it with zip.

    but it always android complication failed.

    You can follow my guide here: ... nstruct-2/



  • You haven't picked the Sprite to destroy though, so the default is that all are picked, and so all get destroyed. You could try picking the Sprite that overlaps AllMonsters, or store the UID of the Sprite when you create it, and pick the Sprite when you need to destroy.

    blackhornet is right.

    You can pass or save the UID of the touched object (object.UID). You can later use "Pick instance by UID".

    Hopes this helps.



  • Sorry for jumping into this topic, not fully aware of your issue Wishy but if you need to check if the game is updated I use following function.

    On start of layout

    --> LocalStorage - Check Item "version" exists //version is the current project version

    if key "version" is missing

    --> Set LocalStorage "Key" to "projectversion" // you can access the version with the system expression projectversion

    if key "version" exists && LocalStorage.ItemValue != projectversion

    --> Call your action you want to do if the version has been changed (on game update)

    --> Set LocalStorage Key "versions" to projectversion

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks VIKINGS for dragging me into this, I'm glad to help you out, just let me know!

