AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • I hate the Sprite Font plugin! Sorry, but I just don't get on with it. SpriteFont+ I love, but the default one I guess I just don't get.

    SpriteFont+ doesn't work with CocoonJS it seems (not sure why), so I have to use the default one. I've gone through the set up of loops and arrays a few times, but for some reason I can't get this one to work. Having to do this for each and every font, and then doing trial and error over and over until I get it the right size is a real chore.

    Would someone mind having a look and seeing what I'm missing? One font is working fine, but the other simply isn't.

    Red font = fine

    Green font = large spaces

    It looks the same whether I use the loop setup or not.

    I've included the font sprite and the font text file.

    Sprite Font

  • Love this plugin. Unfortunately I can't seem to use it with Cocoon, so I have to go through the annoying process of setting up and array and loops for each different font.

    Please please please can this be made the default? It's only a small tweak, but it's so much better!

  • Intel makes x86 so we are hoping you will take the extra step to publish both.

    x86 doesn't work at all for me. Tested 2 games.

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  • Another update on my app. It works with ARM, but not x86.

    Here are the issues:

    Sound is very very quiet, and also isn't affected by volume controls.

    App doesn't use an icon (as confirmed by a team member I believe).

    App name seemingly doesn't allow spaces in names/titles.

    This is the second app I have tested out of the 3 I have more or less finished. Although the two play, they are not yet ready for release using this exporter (although in beta, I do not expect them to be).

    Pleased so far, but hoping for better results soon.

  • R0J0hound

    Yup, x86 doesn't work. Going through the process again using Arm now.

  • Anyone know the difference between x86 and ARM? Not sure which I should be picking.

    In my game, it takes a while for my main sprite to load in. I can move it around, but it's not visible for a few seconds.

  • Knifegrinder Very happy to hear that! You've been waiting about as long as me I believe!

    Aphrodite Don't worry, the word beta appearing all over the place made that very clear to me <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> The improve with time line was used with CocoonJS 6 months ago. Slightly worrying, but I have more faith in Scirra.

    Jase00 If you want to send your project over to me I can give it a go and try them out on my Android devices.

  • funkyos

    It appears to be worse than CocoonJS. I haven't even tried PhoneGap. It hasn't been remotely worthwhile for almost a year.

  • Just managed to get my game working. Couldn't get the icon working, nor could I get a space between the text of the app title.

    Finally, I was disappointed to discover that my app was running even slower than CocoonJS, and the volume controls didn't work at all for this game on my mobile device.

  • I should also point out that my teeny tiny game of 4.4mb is exporting as a 27mb APK.

  • I'm very happy to have this exporter. CocoonJS has been a constant disappointment for me, with seemingly no progress in the last 6 months (for me at least).

    In any case, my experience with this new version isn't going too smoothly.

    These are the instructions in the latest blog:

    Download the Intel XDK to access the build system - Done

    Run the Intel XDK and sign up/log in if you haven't already - Done

    Create a new project in the XDK - Done

    Export your project from Construct 2 using the new 'Android' option - Done

    Copy-paste the exported files over the XDK project you've created - Done

    Switch to the 'Build' tab in the XDK - Done

    Click the 'Build' button by 'Crosswalk for Android' - Done

    Follow the steps to build the app - This breaks a lot... randomly shuts down the XDK program once uploaded.

    Download the .APK on to your device (e.g. by emailing a link), install and run! - Produces an APK which when installed shows an Intel icon rather than my own.

    No idea what could be causing this.

    Anyway, how are others doing?

  • R0J0hound

    Thanks! I'm looking to combine the two... so it will smoothly begin to rotate, speed up, and then smoothly come to a stop. EaseInOut.

    Interesting about the 100/anglediff though. Didn't know that!

  • Thanks R0J0hound although I should correct myself. I am using AngleLerp to rotate the layout.

    Please see the below capx

    Please use the arrow keys to navigate. Note that the camera will aim at you based on the planet's perspective. When you leave that planet and approach another, the camera rotates around to look at you from that planet's perspective. This assists in landing (and is no where near finished yet).

    I dislike the sudden rotation, and would like a smooth change.

    Is this possible using your example? The problem with rotation is that I want it to always rotate the shortest amount needed.

  • zenox98 Can unlerp be tied in with lerp?

  • blackhornet


    LiteTween looks good if I intend on using it for one static object, and then another... so ideal for menus... But I should have said that I'm using it as a camera which is constantly rotating the layout to the angle of the player. This means that the angle is constantly changing. At one point, you can change the focus of the camera, and I wanted it to rotate smoothly to the next angle.

    With both angles constantly changing, I just got a pop.

    Ashley - Sorry to bother you. Is there such a thing as reverse lerp? Could something like this be added as default?