AnD4D's Forum Posts

  • I'd be interested in this... but it looks like it's just all free stuff. Where's the profit?

    As a by the by, I've been looking for an artist to help me make some multiplayer games for the Wii U, Steam and mobile. I like the look of your work, so if you're interested.

  • Anything that'll allow me too use multiple light sources and many shadows without WebGL is all I need. Been asking for this since 2014, along with an update to Sprite Font.

    Instead, we get more exporters which are removed months later.

  • neverk

    Surely that means you have to have a bunch of variables controlling such things. The simplicity of the normal physics engine is you just set the physics force strength and the angle.

    My code currently simulates something of a black hole. The closer you are to it, the greater the force. Can't see how I'd achieve the same with this one.

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  • As an update to this, multiple games are affected by this issue.

    8 layers seems to be the magic number when using the debug.

  • I've heard this has better results than box2d... might someone be able to tell me how to apply force at angle?

    I can see there's apply at offset, etc... but I'm trying to covert my current code over. Isn't it as simple as apply force at 90 degrees? I keep reading that this is used for joints etc... so am I using it for the wrong thing?

  • Just a quick question. Anyone else noticing an FPS drop depending on how many layers you have in debug mode?

    I was working on a game with 3 layers perfectly fine, but then added 2 extra. Suddenly, when in debug I'm hitting 20+fps less than I was before, with no other changes made. Then I worked my way up to 8 layers, and I'm back to 60fps. I can't see what may be causing the slow down, but I noticed this about 5 versions back, and though it'd be a random glitch that'd be resolved in the next stable release.

    Just upgraded, and still an issue.

    Wanted to know if it was just me, or something else. Just annoying me at the moment, as the game I'm working on is constantly on 5 layers per level. Ashley has mentioned before that the number of layers shouldn't affect anything, so that's why I'm scratching my head.

  • Interesting additional (potential) problem. While creating a font size of 144, and including a lot of additional characters, I was given an exported image of over 4096 x 1024. Construct 2 came up with a message saying anything over 4096 doesn't work on all devices.

    Just wondering why the system didn't try to create a 2048 x 2048 rather than go for the larger width.

  • Looks like it's impossible. Text really is the most limited part of Construct 2, isn't it? Can't change colours/fonts... can't see what it looks like in game, and need to play the game to just see if it's correct...

    And finally, if your text ever fills up the box, you can't check it and change the scale accordingly... you just have to settle for an average font size and hope it all works out well. Shame.

  • I'm going to bump this rather than ask the same question, as it'd be good to know.

    My game has text that can over run. I want the scale to change if this occurs, but I have no way of measuring if it does.

  • AnD4D

    Try 2.7.

    Very quick! Thanks!

  • Also, somewhat cheeky, but might it be at all possible to include a duplicate character remover in the program? I've been given a whole bunch of characters I need to include, and I note many of them are duplicated. I've found something online explaining how to do this via javascript, but I can't get it to work at all.

    *EDIT - Wait a minute... does it already do that?!?!?! Amazing!

  • Found a potential bug... or more likely a rare user interface issue. I have a lot of characters to work with...

    qwertyuiop@asdfghjkl'!zxcvbnm,.?1234567890$áäçúüíóöèéëñ()[]._:-/~!@#$%^&*()-+=_`:;[]{}\\|\"'<>,.?/.,·'_‘’‚‛:;¨`\\/ƒºª«»()[]{}*‹›\"“”„~&#?!¿¡←→↑↓√§¶†‡¦–—⇒⇔¤$¢€£¥™©®<>+-×÷=±∞^ˇ˘˙¸˛˜′″µ°¹²³♭♪•…¬¯% ¼½¾♡♥●◆■▲▼☆★♀♂àéòûüóêáâëôýÿõìãäíöþßøîåæïœùðçèñúšēįńņiěžāėıňőijęăąğķŕřĺġćċģļśşľħčďīłťūƒdžůűdzțųźżακτυλβγμφχνδεξψωοζηπρθισάΐΰέής;ίό΄΅ύώ·ϊϋаисъытйбвкуьэфлгдмхюяцнеёочшпжзрщ

    When I add this into the text area, the refresh button is pushed off screen, so I can't see if it works.

  • So having multiple sprites representing different teams appears to work, but it's a shame that you can't determine a target based on its variable as opposed to only its sprite.

    Using a family makes it easier to determine which member of the family you'd like to pick, but it requires more events.

  • So it seems that you can't use the turret behaviour to target the same sprite as itself. It'll either target itself or the first version created. No amount of disabling and picking teams seems to make a difference. It'll target anything. Shame.

    The only way I can think to fix this then is to have multiple sprites of the same objects depending on how many teams they'll be, put them in a group, and hopefully separate them out using that... I'll give that a quick go and report back.

  • Lancifer Sure, that's what I did. 60 down to 30. I could have lowered it some more, but that made the jerky animation even more noticeable.