> Anything that'll allow me too use multiple light sources and many shadows without WebGL is all I need.
This is basically impossible. WebGL is a requirement for advanced rendering effects. canvas2d is very primitive in comparison and already effects like the penumbras with a shadow radius are only supported in WebGL mode. Why is canvas2d support so important to you still? As mentioned, we are likely to drop canvas2d support entirely at some point in the future, particularly because pretty much everything that people asked for in this thread is basically impossible to do in canvas2d, so only supporting WebGL opens the door to more advanced rendering features.
Ashley I only consider it important because I work on NWF. Therefore, I am restricted only to canvas2d. For some reason, they can't be bothered to support WebGL, so I'm tethered to using less developed effects. I don't personally care about penumbras too much.
I know in the end it boils down to it being their fault and not yours... but I swear I've seen decent shadows on canvas 2d with multiple light sources before.
I know I've posted this before, but have no idea if it's HTML5 or Javascript.