First of all Thank you so much for your encouraging words and mighty patience with me...
Still, I don't think that my brain can handle C3 very well, and I'm scratching my head:
"IT IS SOOOO SIMPLE when I think about it logically, this is ON, that one is OFF while this happen, and this is NOT happening etc.." same story, C3 Code = MESS! I'm losing my mind how can I stuck on the most basic things in C3 this is why I said I'm not smart enough, not stupid.. but not THAT smart, I just face reality not just saying it for nothing.
I just made the code much longer now with the new ON/OFF Switch I hope that it's ok that I used instance variable for the Family instead of Global Variable, does it matter? (I'm not sure) the reason is for organized sake, nothing more. if it's an issue I will make it a Global Variable of course.
But that's not the problem, now what I got is that it's working... kind of again.
The dragged instance will be the only one to enable the OUTLINE effect, but... it won't if the cursor is over (without dragging) which I tried to make another event for the "Cursor is Over" but I got bad results so I just deleted it.
Also, I believe that I didn't need the "Outline_ON" Boolean for the current code, I just made the code longer for nothing, it's the same thing... with more lines. (this is what I meant I make a mess hehe).
I know that the problem is not in my logic thinking, it's on trying to take my logic thinking and translate it to C3 code... this is where I feel useless and my code looks like a guessing mess.
So my feeling is that I need extra event for the "mouse cursor is over" but as I said.. it only made even more mess so I skipped it to show you the current mess.
Sorry to failed you once again Master
kidswithcrowns unfortunately the longer the code gets the more confused I get even with comments (this is why I like to separate things to Folders, beside the fact that I can use them to enable/disable which is one of the features I really like in Construct.
DOWNLOAD - Another Failed Test