alastair's Forum Posts

  • I started working on a game that uses a large layout, but am stalled by a parallax issue. So it could be worth waiting for it to be fixed if parallax is feature you're going to be using a lot.

  • Ya, you need to remove it from the babies, because the family needs to give it to them. The babies are blocking you from adding it to the family, because they have the same name.

  • Give the family a variable, call it "type". Give instances different values such as "bomb" "prize".

    Event: On Touch

    subevent: Variable type = bomb

    subevent: Variable type = prize

  • Problem

    When trying to create elaborate levels in the C2 editor, you need to use "Parallax in editor" so that when you place sprites it will be an accurate representation of what you see when you play the game. If the layout has been scrolled at all, when placing an instance of a sprite on to a layer with parrallax, the sprite will disappear offscreen. The sprite is not placed where the mouse is, it is not taking into account the parallax. This problem is making it extremely difficult to make any game with parallax layers.

    Example Capx

    Description of Capx

    A layout that is wide with the "Parallax in editor" property set to "Yes". There is a single circular sprite available.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Scroll the horizontal bar at the bottom of the C2 layout roughly 50% of the way
    • Try placing the Sprite into the center of your screen
    • Notice that the Sprite is not visible, it was not placed where your mouse was
    • Keep scrolling the horizontal bar to the right in search of the sprite
    • Once you've found the sprite, try dragging it to the center of the layout to where you originally tried placing it

    Observed Result

    The sprite that was placed on the layout, went off screen in the distance

    Expected Result

    I expected the sprite to take into account the parallax of the layer, and position the sprite exactly where my mouse was.

    Or as Tokinsom puts it:

    The object is appearing at your mouse + the parallax offset. Subtract parallax offset when placing instances with parallax preview enabled.

    Construct 2 Version ID


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  • This is great thanks. Would also appreciate transparency if it's not too much trouble, at some point.

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  • You should use dt as a means of scaling movement/velocity/vectors/etc. So for example, let's say you have some Sprite1 with CustomMovement, and you want it to move approximately 100 pixels every second. Under an event:

    Every Tick (aka every game cycle): Move Sprite1 by dt*100.

    This way even if dt fluctuates because of slowdown or because of computers with different refresh rates, you are guaranteed a constant rate of movement.

    so in what situations would the "dt*100" provide inconsistencies across different framerates? I use it a lot for adding/subtracting from a variable, for things like cooldowns, is that ok?

  • Looking forward to this feature! I loved the filters in CC, easy way to add color variety to existing sprites.

  • Ashley said somewhere that it's best to have single static frame sprites for BG, as having 1 sprite with heaps of frames increases CPU usage for some reason.

  • Also layers can enable "render cells", that might be useful for large layouts too.

  • corlenbelspar, I get this error when I experience the bug where objects are created on the next layout: (though Ashley still claims it isn't a bug.)

    I can't seem to replicate it in my fresh .capx, but I'm guessing it's trying to create an object on a layer that doesn't exist or something?

  • Problem Description

    If you use the "search" ability in the event sheet and you forget to "clear search" before closing the program, the next time you open your .capx the sheet that you last did your search in will have every event expanded/open. Because there is no "collapse all events" button like there is a "collapse all groups" button, this creates massive issues for large projects because you do not always want to have all your thousands of events open as it makes your work harder to navigate.

    Attach a Capx ... download=1

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open the provided .capx
    • Open the event sheet
    • Notice that every event and subevent is closed. There should only be 2 events visible in the sheet
    • Do a search in the event sheet for "text"
    • For event 67, which has the condition for "text", give it any action (such as "set visible")
    • Save the current project
    • Close the Construct 2 program
    • Open the .capx you just saved
    • Open the event sheet, and notice that all 124 events are open and visible on screen
    • Optional step to experience the pain of the bug: Close every subevent and parent event individually until all of them are closed and only 2 events are visible

    Observed Result

    Every single event is open and visible.

    Expected Result

    Every event should be closed.

    Feature request if unresovable

    Allow us to "collapse all events" in the event sheet right click menu (just as there is a "collapse all groups"), this would be highly helpful as it's more beneficial for our time and workflow to have every event collapsed and to only open events where we desire. More details are here: request-collapse-all-events_t111954

    Of course in a perfect world users would always "clear search" before saving, but sometimes there is the odd occasion where we forget!

  • New build!

    Node Webkit v0.11.5 (based on Chromium 38)

  • Thanks for the reply!

    Ashley I still don't understand why the engine still allows those triggers to be run when they should be stopped though?

    I didn't even know what was happening when I experienced this bug, since it's been in every game I've made so far I'd always just expected that you should never change layout if possible because weird stuff happens, thankfully I realized the exact details and I hope other users will be able to stumble upon one of these posts in the future so they don't have to suffer too.

  • Just some interface things that I can think of:

    • New elegant interface. Cleaner, simpler, less noise. Which is basically the direction website/UI/OS design is going anyway. (Shouldn't need to have random little buttons tucked in every corner of the screen.)
    • Entire dark interface option, not just parts of the event sheets. See applications like Photoshop for how it can look good dark.
    • Better event reorganization (see here: )
    • Better event insertion. Adding new events in C2 doesn't feel natural at all: you usually end up right clicking on an event then choosing to insert above or below it, why not right click and insert an event directly where my mouse is?
    • More people involved on the project would be nice if it makes development more efficient!