AhaGames's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Link was removed from your post, here it is: Nice, like the zombie design, like the concept. Consider adding "Browser object -> on back button -> Exit" I couldn't exit game on my Samsung with back button...

    Thanks for the feedback will try to do that.

  • > Hey ... i just wanted to know your feedback on an arcade game i posted ... its called Zombie Assassin


    > www___.scirra.___com/arcade/shooting-games/zombie-assassin-3083



    That's 4 topics and 7 posts about the same thing. I think that's probably enough multi-posting now.

    Allow time for users from all the different time zones to check this out if they wish.

    Okay, sory about that

  • Hey ... i just wanted to know your feedback on an arcade game i posted ... its called Zombie Assassin


  • If it hasn't been in development for at least a year, with lots of activity. I doubt it. Games getting promoted are worth that promotion as they are very good, some being in development of over 2 years.

    The games showcased are seriously awesome games

    well i just uploaded it to scirra arcade if you have some spare time and dont mind giving me feedback, checking out would be awesome thanks . https:____//www._____scirra.____com/arcade/shooting-games/zombie-assassin-3083

  • Try uploading to their Scirra arcade.

    thanks for the advice will try that.

  • hey. i am aziz and i just made a c2 game on android

    care to check it out its called : Zombie Assassin made by AzizGames. aka me,

    btw am only 15 but i think i did a pretty good job in the game . tell me if am wrong

  • i am wondering if my game was good enough can scirra give me a shoutout or so. like the games on the front page their

    the game I made a c2 game on android is called : Zombie Assassin made by AzizGames. aka me,

  • Yo.. what's up? I made a c2 game on android care to check it out its called : Zombie Assassin made by AzizGames. aka me

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  • Yo.. what's up? I made a c2 game on android care to check it out its called : Zombie Assassin made by AzizGames. aka me

  • 9 posts