Abwuds's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Haha I'm so ashamed

    I tried in an empty project and actually, my timeline had all its properties disabled x)

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi guys,

    Speaking of Timeline limitations, it seems like they are limited to the specific layout they are created in.

    Am I right?

    For example, I would like to edit timelines in a dedicated layout and use them everywhere else

    in my project with the "set instance" action.

    Is it possible?

  • Hey!

    6 years later I have an answer for you.

    Do not use the Bullet behavior. Instead use the Physic behavior with a World.gravity set to 0, damping to 0, elasticity to 1, and the collision mask to circle to simulate the Bullet behavior.

    It'll work like a charm.

  • Okey I did it!

    I created a Container :

    - Platform (Sprite)

    > WrappedAroundLayout

    - PlatformCollider (Sprite)

    > JumpThrough

    > Pin

    The Platform steer the container through the invisible wall and the collider

    triggers specific jumps


  • Alright, thanks for the answer!

    What I want to achieve should be easy.

    I simply want to get platforms that go from left to right

    on which the player can bounce.

    The platform is wrapped around the scene but the player

    cannot go out of the scene (thanks to invisible walls).

    Problem is if the player can not go through the invisible wall,

    the platform cannot either.

    Platforms use "jump through", the invisible wall is Solid.

    I was wondering if there was a simple way to do that in

    Construct 3

    Thanks again

  • Hi guys,

    Is it possible to enable collision between Object 1 <-> Object 2 and Object 1 <-> Object 3 but not

    between Object 2 <-> Object 3?

    Thank you!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Alright Thanks!

  • Thanks for the answer!

    But I don't understand how we can use Block.x in the event while manipulating Family.

    I mean, we could have something unrelated to Block which is a subtype of Family.

    Is construct allowing "Block.x" use because the parent event explicitly filters for "Block" ?

    Sorry for the delay

  • Hi guys,

    I'm studying the Falling blocks example in construct 3.

    Why does the top right part fall when I replace Block.x and Block.y with Family1.x and Family1.y

    in this condition (see the attached image).

    Thanks in advance,

  • 9 posts