6bruno6's Forum Posts

  • tx, and cheers!

  • IntelRobert

    Hi, do you know if its possible to sing the app manually, i need to update an app that its allready in the store, and i cant found any manual or indication related to this issue

    tx and cheers!

  • lucid - just a question, so i know it for the future: The collision boxes works fine into c2? or i made the dummy sprite object trick?


  • lucid - tx for the advice! Keep up the hard work, awesome tool spriter!!!! Cheers!

  • lucid - Hi, may i ask if its possible to drag and drop an entity that has the Repeat Playback option on? Im having problems with drag and drop behavior, also in other entities(without the repeat playback), the drag and drop behavior doesnt work right (in some parts of the images sprites i cant Drag, just like in the middle of the object.

    I have put the dragnDrop behaivor in the spriter objects, in the family, etc.

    and i found it works almost well when i have big objects.


  • awesome! tx a lot, and sorry for the confusion, it worked fine!


  • sorry i was refering to the "menu_general" spriter, i left the other spriters in the capx, my mistake

    this is what im talking about:

    in spriter, i updated the animations to have a pause item at the bottom.


    in c2, i updated the "menu_general" spriter object, but dont appear the last item (pause round button), also dont appear in the folder with the sprites, or in the initilialised event.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjito63vkm30b ... 3.png?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7s1it6ls348ll ... 3.png?dl=0

    in the menu_general.scml in spriter it is the round pause button, its the one i add it later. its like the reimport its not getting it, maybe im doing smething wrong

  • Something extrange happend to a smcl.

    Im experimenting with spriter for menus, and im trying to update the spriter object in C2 but the new objects i have put into spriter not appear, even in a new C2 project, i attach the cap and the spriter file.

    What i have done is:

    1 - (in spriter) created the spriter with the animations

    2 - (in c2) imported into C2

    3 - (on spriter) added the pause menu to the animations

    4 - (in c2) reimported again without problems, but the menu dont appear

    5 - (in c2) created a new project and imported the spriter file, still the new pause menu object not appear.

    maybe i did something wrong, i have just a few days into spriter, pls let me know if someone can take a look at these

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/y3tjtbig029pt ... .scml?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1o52nzugtoeb ... .scon?dl=0

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/z1e5tqfo0gymn ... .capx?dl=0


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  • Tx you all for taking the time to answer.

    and a special tx to , awesome resource!

    This is quite well explained if you need to get a good start:

    https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... B7WQoHf-My

  • Hello, first of all, thank you very much for reading my post ...

    During the last months, I realized that I have a big flaw in areas of mathematics, especially trigonometry, which is very necessary for any type of game. Realizing this problem, I would ask which knowledge of mathematics and physics are fundamental, based on their experienciascreando games.

    And if anyone knows any online course that is dedicated to mathematics applied to 2D games. I will be very grateful

    I was thinking of studying in places like khanacademy, etc.

    Any recommendation?

    thank you very much. Cheers!

  • Does it work exporting with cocoon? Cheers!

  • Tx, i will read it

  • tx rho!,

    I would ask why you need to update the score every 15 milliseconds though? > Actually im not, but im trying to learn from some capx i donwloaded from the site, and those are questions that i have looking at the events sheet, tryiing to understand how are they making things happend!

    Cheers, and tx for the replys!

  • Tx Caio caiorosisca for the reply! I really appreciate. I have another question now that i have that concept more clear.

    its the same to say:

    On Every Tick > Sprite set X to Sprite.X+1


    If 0 = 0 > Sprite set X to Sprite.X+1

    I mean, the events are checked everytick by default, if i make a condition always true, its the same as saying "On every tick" ?


  • Hi, i have a question regarding Every Tick.

    I have read in the "How events work" section that: "Every event is checked once per tick (about 60 times a second on most computers), and they are run from top to bottom in the event sheet.

    Before and after, i read it, i was using "Every Tick" this way:


    I think that to compare two values or make collision happens, i need the every tick, for what i understand, its not need it right?

    But in cases that i need to display score, or something like that, it is useful the "Every Tick"

    I dont fully understand the purpose of Every Tick after reading the how events work, can someone help me to understand, i know its an easy question, sorry.