1StepCloser's Forum Posts

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  • Haha, wow. Changing the way the issue is presented convinced Ashley to fix it. ^^. Welp, thanks oosyrag.

  • I think I understand what you are saying? It's such a small issue, that doesn't affect most users, and thus, is not considered worth the time? If so, fair enough.

    It's indeed difficult to address sparse cases. This issue is more relevant to those with larger projects that rely on collapsing groups more often than most. In these scenarios being able to see that the events are being deselected when moved outside of groups would be beneficial, but if that deselection mechanic is integral to how the engine/editor works, then I can see why it should be left alone.

  • Well for me personally it's now on my mind, thus, the odds of it happening to me are lower. However, the reason this came about was that I discovered after disabling/enabling some collapsed groups and moving them around for organization purposes that my project wasn't working as intended, thus I retraced my steps to discover that the collapsed groups I had toggle disabled/enabled were still disabled in terms of the events below.

    The main potential issue for an unaware individual is that a collapsed group will not give any indication of this default selection mechanic when dragging groups, as the only thing you can see is the group header of a collapsed group.

  • Yes, this wasn't about what it's doing but moreso why (presumably there is a good reason?), but thanks.

  • What this shows, and what Ashley has confirmed: github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues/4797, is that when a group and the events below it are selected and then moved outside of a top-level group it diverts to only the group header being selected. This is apparent if the group is not collapsed, however as far as I'm aware, if the group is collapsed there is no visual indication of this selection defaulting to only the group header.

    Thus, I was curious what benefit/rationale there is behind defaulting to only the group header being selected when moving the selection outside of a top-level group.

  • I'd prefer to not reopen an issue that was closed on github as not a bug, so I'm looking for some insight on why group selection works the way it does, perhaps it prevents some crashes/bugs from happening when groups are moved:

    If I may ask, what's the rationale behind a whole selection turning into only the group being selected once moved outside of a top level group?

    The reason I ask is because if the group you are disabling is collapsed there is no discernible indication that only the group is now selected once you move it outside of the top level group and re-enable it:


  • That's an interesting point, a 3d tilemap is essentially what I'm inquiring about, now that I think about it.

  • Wherein you could move a single tile from one layer to the next while the other tiles remain at their innate z index?

    Example case: Imagine you have a tilemap object in a layer above another tilemap object, but you wanted to place a tile from the above layer below the other tilemap.

    In a normal case, I'd expect the player to duplicate the above tilemap object and place it below the other tilemap, like so:

    Above Tilemap

    Below Tilemap

    Above Tilemap (Copy)

    I'm assuming tiles automatically retain the z index property of the tilemap, but could this somehow be modified so that the tiles are "liberated"?

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  • Do I need to submit a feature request for this or do you take it from here?

    P.S. For O(n) lookups, is there a theoretical key count at which you'd see noticeable performance dips?

  • Is the dictionary 1000 row soft limit due to technical limitations?

    At the 1000 mark the only way I can add rows to dictionaries is by manual adding 1 row each time, in cases where I need say 200+ more rows this quickly becomes unreasonable.

    Ultimately, this leads to the use of multiple dictionary instances each with 1000 rows. So instead of checking a single large dictionary, the system will now be checking multiple 1000 row limited dictionaries.

    If this is the case, I'm wondering how this would be less limiting from a technical standpoint. Is the soft-limit primarily to prevent someone from setting the rows to an extremely high number (10k+?) that might cause a crash?




  • Yes it's possible.

    1. Export project using the HTML option.

    2. Create a page on itch for your project.

    3. Set the itch project's game type to HTML.

    4. Upload the zip file that you exported from Construct 3 onto the itch page.

  • Cheers, I hope it turns out well, and even if it doesn't, then I hope the journey has been rewarding/meaningful for you.👍

    P.S. Just saw the project on twitter, well done, it looks great.

  • I used to think the same way, so now I will introduce you to the concept of DRY:


    In a case such as this where you are not pleased with the available methods of searching it's now time to look at the problem in a different way.

    You have the problem of needing to change too many actions of the same type. In the DRY mindset there shouldn't be a repetition of the same action to begin with. Thus, my recommendation is to create a function along the lines of "Set muzzleFlash", you can make it more specific but in general this function should be comprised of actions you find yourself constantly repeating in your code:

    Function: Set muzzleFlash(ParentUID):

    Action: muzzleFlash: Set ParentUID to ParentUID (In most cases I imagine the value you are passing in is Player.UID for the ParentUID parameter)

    I would refrain from repeating the same form of code throughout your projects because over time the required refactoring of code when changes are made becomes unreasonable.

    Now that you have a function set, let's say later on you need to add an action to set a variable in muzzleFlash, or you need to make an edit to how variables are set in this function, you now have two benefits:

    1. You can find all references of this specific function in your search results.

    2. You can edit the function to effect all instances where you are calling the function.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • At this point, you just click the arrows to move to each one in the list, it skips to the exact match you have in the browser search, then just double-click the currently highlighted result to go to the code.