Integrates face-api.Js for face detection, landmarks.
This only works with older (much?) versions of C3 due to C3 SDK changes.
Failed to open project. Check it is a valid Construct 3 single-file (.c3p) project.
Error: missing condition id 'on-face-detect-s-e'
I tried, it doesn't work with any version
these files are saved on version 158, so it doesn't work on it or on others
does the plugin itself work on new versions? if so, I'd like to see screenshots of how to work with it on any version of C3
Not sure why it does not work on older.
I recommend trying this instead and control it through C3 JS scripting.
are there any tutorials?
any examples?
the whole problem is that i don't understand how to use this in construct 3
i don't even know what files i need
There are some docs here:
This describes how to use it in a browser. If you know JS, it should be doable with C3 JS scripting. It won't be easy if you don't know JS, but perhaps you can use an LLM to help you.
Who is this LLM?
I know js
But don't know how to use face api in project