Got bored in math class so here's a survival game with 300+ items, 10+ bosses, and more to come in the future.
i also know the glitch to escape death
How do you do it?
prolly got somethin to do with new loot if i had to guess.
no actually it was in the base game as well that is the only hint i am going to say
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My little brother takes over my account and he is the one that gives all these stupid answers and also I am trying to get him to stop but I am not going to tell you what to do because I do not want it to be patched
man what kinda doo doo ahh hint is that
good only the best players know that glitch
Shut your mouth buddy
sorry my brother is so dumb and he cannot even beat the jelly king
rather does he know i know it you just have to travel to home right when you die
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