Construct 3 r379

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  • I notice this update broke a couple things.

    First BBcode the color now requires a # sign before the hex value otherwise it just turns the text the last color.

    The other is when assigning frame number for a sprite I used to use a value coming from an array, the value happened to be text since it was coming from a json table. But it always worked without having to do int(), but I figured it out I needed add the int() in order to make it work, but it has worked correctly for over a year before this update!

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      • Ashley's avatar
      • Ashley
      • Construct Team Founder
      • 2 points
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      The BBcode syntax for SpriteFont now must be standards-compliant with CSS colors, which require a # sign for hex values. The old support was non-standard and also deviated from the Text object which never supported that. So while it's technically a breaking change we left it as-is to keep it consistent with CSS and Text.

      Setting an animation frame now accepts a string for a tag of an animation frame, so if you pass it a string it will try to look up a frame by tag now. I guess that's another breaking change technically, but I think it should be rare and easy to work around, and it's an important change for supporting tags.

      • This all makes sense, it just wasn't fun to open up a project where things weren't working as expected without understanding there may have been some impact with this latest update.