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    The long awaited sequel by at least 3 people. With a lot of new characters focused more on adding new mechanics(quality over quantity) and a additional characte...

    2 years ago
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  • I have played and reviwed this game and here some changes i think you need to make coming from an OG. First i love the new characters, but Hasmat and Cave man needs to be nerfed ASAP most def keep them.. cave just a little too stomg nerf him like from a 10 to a 9.9. The character selection is good but i think you should put the weapon instead of the player like the last one because i think it looks good and also for new players to not know what they look like and for it to be a surprise. Other than that i love the game and to let you know i host money tournament at my school on this game and necromancer, cave man and hazmat are banned at the moment. Necromancer is a broken character but hes only banned on unranked tournaments so he's good. Last thing is just new maps, maybe some moving platforms. I am a frog main btw, AND NERF ARCHER